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The baby's heartbeat slowly grew stronger. When Olivia and Elliot noticed that the beeping was stronger, they both started to cry. But they were happy tears. They were beyond excited about the fact that their baby wasn't giving up. That he or she was fighting.

"When do you have to leave for basic training?" Olivia questioned, as Elliot helped her get dressed to head home. Melanie and Jason were letting Elliot take her home from the hospital because they knew they had so much more to talk about.

"I haven't gotten my papers yet. I've only just signed up. There is a lot that they have to do before I can be completely in the Marines... but once I know I'll talk to you about it. I will not keep anything from you." Elliot spoke, as he finished tying the strings on Olivia's sweatpants so that they weren't too tight on the incision.

"I guess we can't keep anything from each other anymore," Olivia spoke before she slowly sat back down before going to bend over to put her shoes on, but Elliot stopped her and he did it for her.

"Keeping secrets got us into this mess in the first place. If I had told you how I was feeling, maybe we wouldn't have moved back home to our parents. Maybe we would have been able to figure out a plan that let us be out on our own still. Even if we had to get an even smaller place."

"I think our baby would be taken away from us if we lived in a box under a bridge, Elliot." Olivia teased.

"Let's get you home. I bet you are exhausted." Elliot spoke.

"Yeah, I kinda am... Uh, the doctor gave this to me... it has the baby's gender in it."

"It's too early for that, right?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shrugged.

"I guess not. Sometimes they can see it early I guess... so do you wanna know?" Olivia asked, and Elliot bit his lip before sitting down beside Olivia. He grabbed the folded up piece of paper and unfolded it before reading the word on the page.

"So?" Olivia asked.

"It's a girl..."

"It is?!" Olivia exclaimed, and Elliot smiled.

"Yeah... I guess our kid won't hate us forever because we thought it was a girl... because she is a girl." Elliot smiled. He leaned over and kissed Olivia's cheek gently before he helped her back onto her feet before they headed out. Each with a smile plastered on their faces.


After a week of being in the hospital, Olivia was finally back home. Elliot helped her into the house and got her situated on the couch before going back out and grabbing her bag. When he got back inside, Jason and Melanie were sitting on the couch with Olivia. He watched as Olivia's face got so bright each time she talked about their daughter. 

"The doctor said that it isn't completely clear, but that they are pretty certain the baby is a girl. We can't wait. Elliot was smiling so much on the way home that his face hurt." Olivia laughed, before looking over her shoulder to see Elliot standing there and watching her.

"I'm still having a hard time not smiling," Elliot admitted, but then his smile faded when he saw Jason looking at him. Jason still didn't look happy that Olivia and Elliot were back together. He was scared, and it was his right to be scared, that Elliot would leave Olivia again.

"Do you want to join us for dinner tonight, Elliot? We'd be more than happy to have you." Melanie smiled, as she stood and walked towards Elliot.

"Uh-" Elliot started, but then Jason stood up.

"Actually, I think we are going to eat dinner alone tonight. Just the three of us. Sorry, Elliot." Jason spoke, and Elliot nodded.

"Of course. Uh, I have to get home anyway. Talk to my parents and get them up to date on all of this stuff... I'll see you later, babe." Elliot spoke, before walking over to Olivia. He leaned down and kissed her a few times before gently touching her stomach.

"Elliot, can I come with you? I want to see your parents-"

"No. You are gonna stay here and recover some more. Goodbye, Elliot!" Jason spoke, before grabbing Elliot's arm and tugging him in the direction of where the door was.


Elliot laid in his bed as he waited for Olivia to answer his call. He had talked to his parents about what had happened, and they said that if she needed anything at all, that they would make sure they could help her. They were excited to become grandparents again, even if it wasn't in exactly how they would want their son to be starting a family.

"Hello?" Olivia questioned.

"Hey, babe. It's me." Elliot breathed.

"Hey! How are you?" Olivia replied.

"I'm okay. I miss you a lot. I really love being back together with you, but I think that your father doesn't really like that we are together." Elliot sighed.

"He's protective. He has been like that my whole life. I understand that he doesn't want me to get hurt again, but I know you won't hurt me again. You have surprisingly matured a lot since we broke up..."

"Why did your bio mom give you up?" Elliot asked, and Olivia sighed because she knew this was going to come at some point.

"Because she was 16 when she had me. She was not meant to be a mother, and she tried to hurt me a few times. But then she just couldn't kill me, so she gave me to her brother. Jason and Melanie have been the best parents that I could have possibly have. Elliot, why do you ask?"

"Because then I can promise your father that I won't physically abuse you and that I won't leave you... I want to be with you more than anything else in this world. And I want to raise our daughter together and make sure that she doesn't experience the things you did when you were a baby." Elliot spoke.

"Elliot, I don't care what my father thinks... because I know that he is just doing this to keep me at home. But I don't think he realizes how lonely and sad I'll be without you."

"Do you want to come live with me? I can move my stuff around so that you have space here." Elliot spoke, and Olivia sighed softly.

"Goodnight, love... I think you need some sleep before deciding what to do about our living situation."

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