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Olivia kept her pregnancy a secret for the following weeks. She made sure that she didn't overdo it, and she wanted to make sure that nothing happened before she told her boss. She didn't want to lose the baby then have to tell her boss once again that something had changed.

"Angie?" Olivia questioned quietly, as she slowly walked into her boss' office.

"Olivia, what can I do for you?" Angie asked, and Olivia swallowed hard before speaking.

"I'm pregnant... 12 weeks today. I got the all-clear from my doctor. I'm sorry that I hid it for that long." Olivia spoke.

"Felix already told me. He had to tell me something when you kept coming to work and getting sick." Angie replied, and Olivia felt her face grow hot.

"I'm sorry... I've been just having a hard time dealing with Adalee, work, and being pregnant. But I promise that this will never happen again..." Olivia trailed off.

"Your pay decreases by a dollar an hour once you are put on garage detail. So to prevent that, you can work on the rig until five months. Maybe six if you are feeling good enough." Angie spoke.

"What do you mean? Every other woman that has gotten pregnant on this job gets put on garage detail as soon as they tell you. It's your rules. Why are you breaking them for me?" Olivia questioned.

"Because you are a single mother. We will see how long we can stretch your work on the rig. Don't lift things that are too heavy and just be careful. Felix has your back." 


After telling her boss that she was pregnant, Olivia now needed to tell her sister and her mother. Olivia took Adalee over there for dinner after school, and she had to prepare herself to tell them that once again she was having Elliot's baby.

"Gran!" Adalee exclaimed, as she went running into the house and straight to where Serena sat on the couch.

"Addie! How are you, honey? Was school good?" Serena asked, as Olivia shut the front door and picked up Adalee's bag off the floor and hung it up on the door handle so she could grab her homework and work on it if she wanted.

"I'm good! Momma has something to tell you, so I'm gonna do homework real quick!" Adalee exclaimed suddenly. She hugged Serena tightly before running back over and grabbing her bag. She ran to the kitchen where she greeted Sierra. 

"What do you need to tell me?" Serena asked, her voice laced with confusion.

"It's not bad... at least I don't feel that it's bad anymore."


"Mom, when Elliot came to see me we slept together. I'm currently 12 weeks pregnant with yet another one of his children." Olivia spoke, not caring how it sounded. She just needed to get it out right away, so that she didn't lose her ability to tell her mother.

"Pregnant?" Serena questioned quietly.

"Yeah, pregnant." Olivia frowned.

"Does he know? How did it happen?"


"Okay, yes I know how babies are made. But how did you end up sleeping with him again? Don't you hate him?"

"I do hate him. And he made me so angry that I started to cry. He used that to his advantage. And Mom, he does know. I told him but he doesn't want the baby."

"He is an absolute asshat." Serena huffed.

"Mom, I'm having another baby. I have wanted one for so long, and now I'm getting one. Mom, let's just focus on that." Olivia replied.

"Who all knows?" Serena questioned quietly, as Olivia finally sat down beside her.

"Everyone but Sierra. I still have to tell her but I think I'm gonna do that when we run to get dinner."

"Is the baby healthy?" Serena questioned.

"As of right now, yes. They think that the baby will be fine. But I'm only 12 weeks into this pregnancy."

"And you?" Serena breathed quietly as she looked at her daughter as tears welled in her dark brown eyes.

"I'm scared that I'll start bleeding and this time I won't be lucky."

"Oh, baby girl," Serena whispered. Olivia clung to her mother as she started to cry once again. Serena held her daughter close for several moments until Sierra walked from the kitchen and eyed them.

"What's happening?"

"I'll tell you in a little bit. Let's go order dinner then pick it up."


Sierra took it a little bit harder than her mother did, but she promised to help out however Olivia needed the help. She even offered to be there when the kid made its break for it. But even if everyone was taking the pregnancy decently, Olivia still felt so lost and confused. She was wishing that Elliot would have come around and wanted to be with her again, then at least her children would have their father in their lives.

She kept wondering on the way home if maybe Elliot had changed his mind. But he just hadn't gotten the balls to call her yet and tell her. So Olivia dialed Elliot's number after putting Adalee down for the night. She settled on the bathroom floor because she felt sick, and knew that if Elliot was mean, she'd probably get sick.

"Hello?" Elliot questioned quietly as he answered the call.

"Hi." Olivia squeaked a bit.

"Liv? Why are you calling me?" Elliot questioned quickly.

"I was just wondering if you had changed your mind and want to be involved in the baby's life. In Addie's life." Olivia replied slowly.

"Amy forgave me," Elliot spoke.

"Oh... uh... Don't hurt her again." Olivia breathed slowly.

"I don't plan on it. And I have even told her we could have kids if she wanted." Elliot replied as if he didn't realize he was stabbing Olivia in her heart by saying that. 

"Gonna lie to your children?" Olivia questioned.

"About?" Elliot replied.

"About me and your other kids? How you left me for their mother? How you didn't want their siblings? Or are you just gonna lie to them their whole lives?" Olivia sighed.

"Amy is my family now. In our house, we do not talk about my past."

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