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Bernie and Joseph had been outside working on the yard, so when they went back inside they saw the red one flashing on their answering machine. Joseph ignored it and Bernie told herself to check it later. 

They went about their night and around the time Elliot and Olivia said that they'd be home, Joseph and Bernie both got a little worried. Bernie more so than Joseph, however.

"Where do you think they are?" Bernie asked, and Joseph shrugged as he let out a loud yawn.

"Maybe that message was from them. They probably got a room or something to have some privacy." He replied, and Bernie nodded slowly. She stood and walked over and hit the play button before waiting.

They listened through the message before staring at each other with wide eyes.

"Liv is in labor." Bernie breathed, and Joseph nodded.

"We should get to the hospital... now."


Olivia was taking a shower when Bernie and Joseph arrived at the hospital. Elliot was in the rocking chair as he waited for his wife to be done, then he knew that Adalee would be brought back to be fed.

"Honey?" Bernie asked, and Elliot looked at his mother and gave her a tired smile.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" He asked, and his parents walked towards him slowly.

"Where's Liv? Did she have the baby yet?" Joseph asked.

"Oh, yeah. Adalee is in the nursery right now and Liv is just taking a shower... my daughter is absolutely stunning." Elliot replied as the bathroom door opened. Olivia walked out slowly and smiled at her inlaws.

"Hi!" She exclaimed, as she slowly walked back to her bed. Elliot stood and helped her lay down before his parents replied to his wife.

"How are you doing, love?" Bernie asked, as she walked over and hugged Olivia tightly.

"I'm amazing, surprisingly," Olivia spoke, before letting Joseph kiss her forehead gently.

"And Adalee?" Bernie asked, as her husband stood beside her and held her hand.

"She was about 7 pounds and 22 inches long. Dark brown hair and she already has little dimples. I have seen a lot of babies thanks to my siblings, but none of them can stand up to our kid." Olivia spoke.

"We are so sorry that we didn't get up here earlier. We were-" Bernie started but her son stopped her.

"Mom, don't apologize... Liv and I both agree that we needed to do this alone. I held her hand through it all, and we both got to hold Adalee... I watched my daughter be born and I will never be able to forget that. Or forget the strength that my wife has. She is so strong." Elliot spoke, before looking at his wife and smiled. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Stabler, are you ready to have your daughter for the night?" A nurse asked, and she smiled when Elliot and Olivia nodded quickly.

"Liv, can we hold her?" Bernie asked, and Olivia nodded and smiled.

"She's your grandbaby, you can hold her all you want."


Adalee was what everyone described as perfect. Elliot's siblings came up later that night and met their niece. Elliot called Olivia's siblings and mother, but none of them answered their phones so they weren't going to be coming up to meet the baby.

Olivia was so happy, and her family not showing up didn't bring her down.

"Alright, we are going to head home. But if you need anything at all, just call us." Bernie spoke, as she laid Adalee back into Olivia's arms.

"Thanks... for everything. If you want, we could use some time tomorrow to sleep if you wanted to come up and hold Adalee for a few hours." Olivia grinned, and Joseph laughed as his wife nodded quickly.

"We will be here as soon as visiting hours start. Just make sure she is happy when I get here." Bernie smiled, as she winked at her daughter in law. Olivia nodded before taking an arm away from her daughter before waving at her inlaws as they walked out.

Elliot sank down beside Olivia and kissed her temple gently before gently taking Adalee's hat off so he could caress her hair.

They sat in silence. All they did was stare at their daughter. Olivia didn't know how she managed to make something so beautiful. But then she looked over and smiled at her husband and knew that their daughter was so adorable because her husband was pretty good looking. Olivia chuckled to herself, and Elliot looked at her.

"What? Did Adalee soil herself, because I love you, but I don't want to change her diaper." Elliot whined.

"No... I was just thinking." Olivia replied.

"About?" Elliot asked.

"Oh... well about how I don't know our kid is so cute when you are kinda homely," Olivia replied, and Elliot grinned from ear to ear before leaning in and kissing his wife deeply.

"You are the ugly one, darling." He smirked.

"But to be real, I was thinking about how handsome you are. And that she must get her looks from you... maybe a little bit from me... I just can't get over the fact that we have our baby now. She's no longer inside of me."

"Hey, we can spoon now." Elliot smiled, and Olivia blushed a bit because she could remember the night that Adalee was made, and how spooning turned to something so much more and incredibly intense.

Elliot and Olivia went back to being silent, but the other person who had been watching them wasn't anymore.

"Hey..." Melanie trailed off from where she stood in the doorway of Olivia's hospital room.

"Mom?" Olivia questioned.

"Yeah... uh, I was at dinner and didn't want to be rude," Melanie spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"I was just so scared and didn't know what else to do," Olivia admitted, as Elliot moved off the bed before going and grabbing a chair for his mother in law.

"I was there when you were born. Serena was so scared." Melanie spoke and Olivia frowned.

"So who were you at dinner with?" Elliot asked because he knew his wife was kinda uncomfortable.

"Uh, Jason. We decided to not get a divorce."

"Mom-" Olivia started, but then Adalee's cries cut her words off.

"Here, I can comfort her," Melanie spoke, as she reached forward for her granddaughter, but Olivia passed her to Elliot instead as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Please leave, Mom."


"I don't want you here right now. Not after you are getting back together with Dad but couldn't even drive out here last month when I wanted someone to come to my appointment with me. Please, just go."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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