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5 Weeks Later

Olivia worked at the Grief Center with Bernie. It helped her focus on something other than her anger and loneliness. The day before Family Day, Bernie and Joseph drove down to South Carolina with Olivia. They were going to take a plane, but Olivia was too far along for that to be safe for her or Adalee. It was a long drive, but the three of them knew it would be worth it to see Elliot.

"I didn't calculate that it would take him two weeks to actually head to basic after he joined up," Olivia spoke as they took a small stop to stretch their legs and get something to drink.

"What do you mean?" Bernie asked, and Olivia sighed as she crossed her arms over her swollen stomach.

"We thought we would have 7 weeks before we'd be parents, but instead we have five. That is not a lot of time to actually get stuff around for our baby. Will he even be home for her to be born, or will he be on a base and I'll be in Manhattan?" Olivia questioned, but she knew that Bernie didn't even have the answer.

Olivia never did expect for her life to be this complicated before she turned 20. She didn't expect to be living the life of a Marine's wife. All she wanted was to not move around all the time, but she had to until Elliot finally decided that he had proved himself enough and wanted to do a different profession.

"When it's time for Adalee to be born, I'm sure that everything will be worked out. You may be just living outside of the base Elliot is stationed at, but at least you will all be together. That is all that matters." Bernie smiled gently. 

"Okay, lots of water for the ride," Joseph spoke as he joined the others near the car.

"Thanks, Mr. Stabler," Olivia replied, as she took a bottle from him.

"If you can call my wife Bernie, you can call me Joseph." He replied, and Olivia nodded.

"Sorry... I'm still getting used to this whole thing."


Elliot prepared himself for the run through on family day. He was way more excited to just get liberty and spend time with his family than he was to actually graduate. He knew that he wouldn't be able to see his family for a while because he and the rest of graduates had certain things they had to do, but it would be worth the wait.

Elliot was beyond anxious as he tried to think about how he would prove to his wife that he hadn't changed and hadn't fallen in love with one of the members he has trained with. He also had to figure out with her today where they may live after this all ends and they had some freedom.

"We should probably start getting around." One of Elliot's roommates spoke. Elliot stood before running his hands over his pants.

"Are any of you nervous that our families won't be the same or that we changed more than we think?" Elliot questioned, but all the guys just laughed at Elliot.

"You'll change more by the time you get deployed and that wife of yours gets bored and leaves you."


Joseph, Bernie, and Olivia sat together with all of the other family members that had shown up for the other recruits. It was beyond freaking hot, but once the recruits came out, they were too busy trying to find Elliot in the crowd. None of them could spot him, so they just listened and watched as the recruits showed off what they had learned over the weeks they had been training.

It was such an amazing thing to watch because they were working as a unit and were no longer just people. 

After everything was done, the recruits left to get changed and to shower, and the families walked off and waited. This time was the longest and Olivia was starting to get nervous since Elliot wasn't getting to them fast enough.

Olivia was fiddling with her wedding band and she didn't look up from it until the sun was blocked out. Olivia looked up and saw Elliot standing there in front of her. Olivia felt tears spring into her eyes and she quickly stepped forward and clung to him.

Elliot wrapped his strong arms around his wife and held her as close as possible.

"Did you think that I wasn't going to come and see you guys?" Elliot breathed.

"I was just scared that you didn't want to see me." She whispered.

"I love my parents and all, but you are the first person that I wanted to see. God, you are so beautiful and amazing." Elliot spoke, but Olivia didn't know if he was saying that to butter her up for doing something that he knew she'd be angry with.

"Elliot, what did you do?" She whispered as she leaned back a bit.

"Babe, I did nothing. I just am so happy to finally see you. It's been so long, but now that I'm looking at you again I can't stop expressing the feelings that I have when I see you." Elliot replied. Olivia swallowed hard before nodding slowly. She felt her cheeks grow red from embarrassment.

"Go see them... I need to find uh... Go hug your mother." Olivia breathed. Elliot walked away from her and quickly hugged his mother tightly.

"Is she okay?" Bernie asked, before even questioning her son about everything he has gone through.

"I think for the last 13 weeks she has been thinking I've been here falling in love with someone else. But that is far from something I'd be able to do because I never want to be with anyone but her." Elliot replied, before stepping back from his mother. He turned to his father and shook his hand before looking back, Olivia.

"Do you want to explore a bit?" Elliot asked, and his parents nodded but then they all just looked at Olivia for her response.

"Honey?" Bernie asked, and Olivia looked at them and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, let's explore."

Hey guys! So since Elliot_Michael_ has been sick and is still finishing up school for the year I had to do research for this chapter and the chapter before so I hope that it's okay. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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