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Against her better judgment, Olivia went on garage detail so that she could take care of herself and her child. Olivia and Adalee moved back in with Bernie and Joseph, and it was just like before they moved out in the first place. Joseph and Adalee got to spend so much time together, that Olivia clearly knew that her daughter would be okay when it came to her future because she had at least one strong man in her life that loved her unconditionally.

The days were long, but they still went by too fast for Olivia. She was having a hard time dealing with her changing body because she wasn't ready to have another baby that Elliot wouldn't love or want at all.

"Hey, so Adalee happened to tell me that today you find out what the baby is," Bernie spoke, once Olivia went back inside after getting Adalee on the bus. Adalee had to go to a different school now that they had moved, but at least Elliot didn't know where she went now.

"Oh. Of course she did." Olivia sighed, as she moved towards the couch after slipping her sneakers off so she could trade them out for a nicer pair of shoes. She had more than just her appointment today. She also had a meeting with her lawyer to make sure Elliot had no claim to the baby.

"Would you like someone to join you? Because today is my day off and I'd really like to see my next grandbaby." Bernie smiled, and Olivia swallowed hard before shrugging.

"I have errands to run afterward... we'd have to drive separately," Olivia replied.


"Bernie, you don't want to join me because I have an appointment with my lawyer."

"Oh, you do?" Bernie asked quietly.

"I'm getting my lawyer to get Elliot to sign over his rights. I don't want him to come back and decide he wants the baby when it feels right for him. Or when I'm happy and he isn't. So maybe just wait until I get home to find out what the baby is." Olivia spoke. She stood up and walked over to grab her purse.

"I'd like to help," Bernie spoke, stubbornly.


"I'm coming with you. Then maybe we can go out to lunch and maybe pick up some baby clothes."

"I can't afford a lot of baby clothes at the moment," Olivia whispered.

"Who says that you will be buying?"


Sitting on the edge of the examination table, Olivia sobbed as she looked at the sonogram picture of her second daughter. Bernie was standing beside her and gently rubbed her back as she tried to not start crying along with her. 

"She's got your nose, Liv. She's stunning." Bernie spoke, before pressing a gentle kiss to Olivia's temple.

"I'm so scared that I'll hurt her." Olivia sniffled.

"How?" Bernie questioned slowly.

"She's not going to be happy with me. I don't even know how Adalee keeps smiling day after day. My girls would be better off without me in their lives." Olivia sniffled. She climbed off the table before going and grabbing her purse.

"No. These girls need you, Olivia. I think that it means that you just need to trust yourself and your parenting."

"But she won't even meet her father..." Olivia trailed off, as she hesitantly rested her hand against her stomach.

"He'd just do her more harm, Liv. And I want you to know that if you move on, that we will support you no matter what."

"I love him." Olivia whimpered.

"What?" Bernie asked.

"I love Elliot so much and it's horrible for me. I keep hurting myself because I feel like he is the only one for me. But he never loved me... I think that when I got pregnant he decided he didn't love me anymore because I wasn't just there for him. He wasn't going to be the center of attention."

"Just remember and always remember that you don't need a man to be happy. These two little girls will really help." Bernie smiled softly.

"We have to get going." Olivia breathed, as she tucked the sonogram into her purse before grabbing a tissue and cleaning her face off.

"Got a name for her yet?" Bernie asked with a small smile on her lips.

"No. But I'm sure Adalee will want to help. She absolutely cannot wait to be a big sister."


On base, a few weeks after Olivia found out she was having another baby girl, Elliot got a thick orange envelope in the mail. He carried it into the front door as he heard his fiancee baking cookies in the kitchen. He walked over to the couch and sank down onto it as he slowly tore it open. He pulled out a folder and his eyes went wide when he read Olivia's name on the front.

"El, do you want to try one of the cookies?" Amy asked as she walked from his kitchen.

"No." Elliot huffed as he stared at his ex's name.

"What's that?" Amy asked slowly.

"Something from Olivia's lawyer... uh, I don't know what I should do."

"You should read it," Amy replied as she sat beside him. Elliot slowly opened the folder before seeing that the paperwork was for him to sign. He was supposed to sign away his rights to his daughter. The one that Olivia hadn't even given birth to yet.

"I'm having another daughter." Elliot breathed, as he looked over at Amy.

"No, Olivia is having another daughter." She replied quietly.

"She wants me to sign away my rights before I even get to meet her. Maybe I'll meet her and want to have her in my life."

"So pick your ex over me once again." Amy huffed. Elliot frowned as he stood slowly.

"I'm not picking her over you. I'm just wondering about my kids. But we agreed that my past was something we are ashamed of and that I need to let it go. I'm going to go find a notary and get this signed. I'll be back soon." Elliot spoke. He stood and quickly left his house with the folder in hand. He made his way to his car before dialing Olivia's number.


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