"If that's what you need Wang Yibo, then I'll do what it takes to protect you." Xiao Zhan said in a genuine tone.

Yibo was taken aback at Zhan's words, he's never heard anything like that.
It was a first for him.

"Very well then, Wei Ying," Yibo said as he got up and talked to Meng Yao.

"Mr. Wei Ying please follow me I'll show you your room." Meng Yao said as he led Xiao Zhan.

Yibo soon left upstairs and nowhere insight. Xiao Zhan felt uneasy about his words. He didn't know if what he said was the right thing to do.

"Your Room is here Mr. Wei Ying." Meng Yao said as he opened the door to a small room.
To Xiao Zhan's surprise, he had to sleep downstairs in the maid's room.

"Thank you," Zhan said as he went in and saw the empty room with a bed in it.

"Mr. Wang Yibo is awake every day at 4 in the morning and on weekdays at 5 am, on Wednesday he works out early so he'd be up at 3 am." Meng Yao said as he left and closed the door.

Xiao Zhan thought that if Yibo was crazy enough to be awake that early. He knew he had to be awake by then. Everything he thought he knew would be easy just went down the drain.

Zhan plopped on the hard bed and wondered if he could do it. But then quickly snapped back and told himself that it was okay he'd get through this he is an agent after all.

Xiao Zhan couldn't take it anymore and slept the night.

Xiao Zhan woke up at 4 am it was a Saturday, Zhan didn't know much about the house and saw clothes in the bathroom with a note

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Xiao Zhan woke up at 4 am it was a Saturday, Zhan didn't know much about the house and saw clothes in the bathroom with a note.

These clothes are for you Wei Ying, you cannot use any-other clothes unless it's for an event.

Zhan grabbed the black jumpsuit and got himself ready. He was ready to do what it took.

Xiao Zhan went to the kitchen and saw maids preparing food for Yibo.
Zhan was hungry so he decided to join the maid in cooking.

"Food is only required for me to do." The maid said as she was fixing breakfast.

"Don't worry I'll do my own I just need to know where everything is?" Zhan said as he looked through the refrigerator and then the cabinets.

Xiao Zhan decided to make wonton soup. Luckily for him, he knew how to cook, his father taught him at a young age how to cook many meals.

 Luckily for him, he knew how to cook, his father taught him at a young age how to cook many meals

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As for the maid, she was preparing rice porridge for Wang Yibo.

As for the maid, she was preparing rice porridge for Wang Yibo

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"Is that what Wang Yibo eats for breakfast?" Zhan asked.

"Yes, every morning...Mr ?" The maid said wanting to know Xiao Zhan's name.

"Oh .. I'm Wei Ying, nice to meet you," Zhan said as he smiled wide.

Wang Yibo was approaching downstairs as he smelled something that wasn't his everyday porridge.
Yibo sat down and saw Xiao Zhan in the kitchen. Eating what he saw was wonton soup.

"What are you doing?" Yibo said looking stoic.

"Oh I'm eating breakfast," Zhan said smiling.
"Do you want some? Zhan asked politely.

"Let me remind you that you are being paid for this job so I suggest you get to it, and I don't want to see you eating while I am it's disturbing," Yibo said as he began to eat his porridge.

Xiao Zhan was irritated at the comment Yibo made how can a brat like him feel so in control if only he would know his real age he wouldn't be treating him like that, at least that's what he thought.

"Yes Sir," Zhan said as he put his wonton soup in the refrigerator.

"Mr. Wei Ying?" Meng Yao said as he got close to Zhan.

"Yes ?" Zhan said confused.

"Mr. Wang Yibo doesn't like company at all he likes his solitude. So please just keep watch in the other room." Meng Yao said as he instructed Xiao Zhan.

Zhan felt like he couldn't get anywhere in the case if Wang Yibo acted so cold Hearted

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Zhan felt like he couldn't get anywhere in the case if Wang Yibo acted so cold Hearted.


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