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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* moonlight *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* moonlight *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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as i'm wishing


The lightly colored curtains on the windows across from where Anna laid allowed the suns light to come radiating inwards and directly into her face. She tried to fight the sun from waking her up and kept her eyes sealed shut, but it was too late. The brightness of the room took her away from her slumber and she cracked her eyelids open.

As her eyes adjusted, she turned to face the brown mop of hair laid out in front of her. Harry, was positioned on his side facing towards her and she couldn't help the smile which formed over her mouth as she watched how gently his chest would rise and fall. The occasional snores escaping from his lips made it all too tempting to kiss him all over his face, but she fought back the urge as he laid there completely undisturbed from the overpowering sun coming into the bedroom.

She propped her head up on her hand and watched him sleep. Taking in all of his features: the way his lips were slightly parted as the light snores escaped his lips and the way his perfect body was perfectly linked with hers. As creepy and weird as it seemed, she was completely content with doing this for the rest of her life: waking up next to the man of her dreams. Of course new more dark curtains would be a must in this future, but she was content nonetheless.

As she was just beginning to doze off, Harry's cold feet entangled themselves with hers. Her eyes darted open at the sudden coldness which contrasted greatly from the warmness of the bed and her feet. A quick glance over at him revealed a still sleeping Harry and she soon began to find herself falling back asleep as his cold feet soon warmed and came to be the same temperature as hers.

Harry fidgeted slightly and let out an agitated groan, probably in response to the complete brightness of her bedroom. He unconciously and very gently pulled her body towards his bare chest and pressed a light kiss to her temple as his fingers trailed along her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and were greeted by a half asleep Harry. His eyes looked completely refreshed and full of sleep, despite the grogginess of his movements.

"Morning." He said raspily as he continued to trail his calloused fingertips along her face. "Morning." She replied with a smile. He smirked and propped his head up on his other hand.

"Last night was...eventful." He said with a hint of sadness in his tone. She smiled as the thoughts fluttered into her head of the previous night they spent together. She nodded and moved her body closer to his. Her mind began racing. Was this wrong? This is totally a friendly cuddle between friends right?

"Are you hungry?" Shs mumbled as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Starving." He said almost immediately as she nodded and began to move away to head into the kitchen to make them both breakfast.

But before she could make her way out, Harry's hand gripped her arm and pulled her back into his chest. "Stay with me here a few more minutes." He said politely as she took in his sweet scent. She nodded in agreement and positioned herself next to him. When she turned to face him he was already looking at her with a smile in his face. They found themselves moving closer and closer until their lips became one.

Anna was very hesitant at first as he gently pressed his lips harder against hers. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she copied his movements. It was perfect. She had never been kissed this gently and sweet. Now she got what the fuss was all about. She just needed to find the right person.

His mouth tasted like mint and his plump lips were soft as they glided along with hers. She cautiously wrapped her arms around his neck as his thumbs skimmed across her cheek bones while he tightly held her face in his large hands.

She never wanted this to end. Eventually it did as Harry pulled away resting his forehead against hers. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled softly as their noses bumped. "That was..." He trailed off. "Yeah." She agreed and he grinned. "I know this is not right... but it feels like it. I just feel like I'm where I need to be."
she whispered while smiling and let her head rest on his chest.

"You are, my love. We both are. "

And before they knew it, the two of them had fallen asleep yet again without hearing the notification that popped on Anna's phone a couple of minutes later.

imessage !


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hi my love

guess who's coming home
todayy !!

it's happenning.

𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 • 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now