Get Out

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I was going to die. No, I was already dead. I had run out of time and now I had nothing. I didn't even have my own life. The three would kill me because I couldn't solve their murders. I would die painfully just as they had.

Everything was awful. I felt like my world was crashing down and the truth was it was in away. I would die. If that wasn't enough to make a world crash down I had no idea what would.

I had wanted it to be over but now that it was I wished I had more time. I wished I would be able to turn back time. I wanted to live longer. If I got a chance I would truly take in every moment. But I didn't have a chance. All I had was impending death.

I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to see anything. All I wanted was to sleep. All I wanted was to leave this hotel.

All I wanted was to get away.

I needed to find a way out. I needed to be smarter than the three. If I could solve the problem I could try and run from it. Try. I could try but the truth I would most likely fail.

I was pretty sure anyone in my situation would fail. How could you survive? How could I survive? There was no way. No way out.

My eyes stayed shut as tears began to pour out faster and my body began shaking uncontrollably. I didn't feel like I was losing my mind but I did feel like I had already lost my life. I ft like I hadn't even owned my own life. I felt like it had been taken away from me the moment I stepped into the hotel. Now it was being used and played with like it was apart of a game.

I began to wish I had killed myself before. If this was what my life was going to be I didn't want it. I would much rather be killed by myself not a group of dead teens.

I had always tried to not have any regrets but now I had more then I could count. I regretted half of the things I had done. The time I wasted. The mistakes I made. How stubborn I was. How I didn't realize everything sooner.

All I wanted was for things to be like the used to be. I wanted to read books on my kitchen window sill as Mingyu and Kennedy fought over who would choose the Netflix movie. I wanted to forgive Josie. I knew I had taken things out of proportion. Josie was Josie. You couldn't really change her. She tried to be there but I understood why she stood away. Her problems stemmed from our family so of course, she would want to stay away from us. I wanted to know the truth about my family. I wasted time being blind. Choosing to be blind and now I would never have the time to figure it out.

I wouldn't have enough time to do anything. I would have enough time to follow my dreams. I wouldn't have enough time to fall in love. I wouldn't have enough time for all of the things I wanted to complete in my lifetime. It was horrible. I felt empty. I had nothing. I couldn't fight back. I couldn't do anything.

My grave was set in stone.

Even though I kept my eyes sealed shut the flash still hit me. I knew I was going back.

I sat there in silence as I waited for something. Anything. All I knew is that my eyes were not going to open. I didn't want to see anything. I hoped I would just fall asleep and forget everything I had just witnessed.

I hoped the three would spare my life. All I needed was to last one more night. Then I would leave. I would never forgive myself if I couldn't manage that. The sad reality was against three ghosts filled with hatred I would win.

I waited for words some sign that they had still been there. Nothing.

I couldn't stop my eye from cracking open. My eyes fell on an empty room. The walls were perfectly pink and everything had been exactly where it was before I met the three.

I wanted to be happy that I had more time but I couldn't be happy because I knew I would die anyway. You could only drag time on for so long. You could only think about the people you love so many times. In the end, it would never be enough.

The sight had made me hurt even more. I threw myself forward and let out a loud and painful cry. The cry had been filled with a small piece of everything I had witnessed from the moment I stepped into the hotel. My fists hit the wall as I cried.

I was empty.

I had no hope. I had no determination. I had nothing. All I wanted to do was cry. All night. I wanted to cry forever.

I wanted to cry for the couples victims and I wanted to cry for myself.

I knew parts of me would end up being found in the carpet, on a missing person poster, or in the pool water. I knew I would die and lose a part of me to the pink hotel.

The moment I stepped into the hotel I knew there was something wrong. I just wished I had listened. Now I was going to die.

The pink hotel had broken me and now it would kill me. Just like it had done to all the other kids. The hotel was a literal gravestone and my name would be written next. The pink hotel taught me pain, love, and hatred. But that didn't matter. This hotel would kill me.

The hotel would look like a dream to anybody but that was far from the case. The girly vibe and expansive furniture had only been accessories. The pink walls had only been a cover-up for the deep dark truth that was hidden. The truth even I couldn't solve. Death. The torture. The lost hope. The pink hotel was a nightmare brought to life.

I would die in The pink hotel.

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