You'll die here

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"gone just gone. No explanation no nothing" said a voice I didn't immediately recognize.

The night before had been foggy. Not bad but foggy. I barely remembered any of the events that took place after I left Dean. Except for one that is.

My sleep.

It wasn't like I lacked sleep I got enough sleep but that night it just felt all too different. I felt truly safe. Even though I was by myself I still felt safe. The dream was calm and beautiful but I couldn't remotely explain it. I knew it was good but I had no clue what it really was. All I knew is that I was getting rudely interrupted.

"who's gone?" I asked my parents as I rolled over and threw the covers over myself. I had been surprised that they had actually been having a conversation. It had been a while. I just wished they had not been doing it right above my calm sleeping body.

"The owner's son"

I threw myself off the bed already excepting my peace and quiet was gone.

I didn't care about the things he had said last night. He could've been in danger and it would all be my fault. I would never forgive him for the words he spoke but I would leave him to die.

He didn't leave me to die.

"They said he disappeared often but every time he would let then know but not now. They checked his normal hangouts but he was nowhere to be seen." my father mentioned as threw my belongings all over the place in hopes I would find something to throw on.

"look Blair if his own parents can't find him I doubt you can"

"That's what you think," I said as I finally got my arm through my sleeve and headed towards the door.

She was almost right. I had almost no clue where he was but being with someone day after day could teach you a lot about them.

When I was lost he took me to the woods.


I threw the bike I had found to the side as I finally reached the entrance. I wondered if this was what my nice sleep had prepared me for.

The trees had been long and eerie. The blueish dark color had been a contrast to the bright world outside of the woods.

When Dean had brought me here it hadn't looked like this at all. The place he had brought me too was beautiful and peacefully quiet. I knew that If I wanted to find him I would have to go to that exact place.

I began walking through the woods my neck was in pain from looking up. Up was where I needed to look. Not down. The area around me was just trees. No leaves, no branches just trees. It was so odd. That's why I was looking up. The sky that I could barely even see looked like it had more secrets than the ground in front of me.

There was no sound of crunching leaves or animals. Everything was just silent. Absolutely silent. My hair had been loose and in my face as I tried to make out the things in front of me. I knew I was getting nowhere.

Of course, the eerie silence didn't last long. A faint whisper rang through the air as I walked. I knew that the whisper could be my life or death but at that point, I hadn't cared all I knew was that I needed to find the truth and I would lose my mind if I tried to do that alone.

So I followed.

But this time I knew it was all real.

I knew Dean had been right no matter how much I made myself believe I was just crazy. He taught me I wasn't crazy. He taught me a lot more. Something was wrong about thing Hotel and I knew I had to figure it out but I knew the truth was it was too late.

The voice started to get louder and I was finally able to make out some of the sentences "Pretty in pink right? That's how it seems oh but trust me that hotel is far from that" the voice almost made me want to trust it but deep down inside I knew nothing was to be trusted.

"Then tell me," I said. I knew that if whatever this thing was was truly good it would help me not just give me questions.

"oh no no no darling" repeated the voice "you'll have to figure that out yourself."

"or you could just help me," I said almost angrily. I hadn't known what I was dealing with but I didn't know I needed the answer to my question.

"have respect!" yelled the voice as something flew by me. Then no long after another shadow shot by. Constantly things began flying by me and I had no sense of what was happening.

Suddenly two hands roughly grabbed my face. I was forced to lock eyes with a familiar pair of green eyes.

"plus everything happened right before your eyes"


My room door flew open and I instantly began to come back from whatever trance I was locked in. I had almost no recollection of what happens after that. All I remember was flying backward and the need to leave. That was all I wanted to remember.

A fear of dread flew over me as I stood facing the door. Something was telling me not to turn around but I knew I had nowhere else to go. Whatever would happen needed to happen quickly.

I slowly turned around in hopes maybe it was just my fears getting to me.

The moment my eyes met with the room in front of me I knew that wasn't the case.

The room was no longer pink and expansive looking. It looked like a tornado had run through it and left it a horrid mess. Couches and chairs were ripped to shreds, lamps, and things that really weren't needed were all over the floor and the pink walls we're fully gone and ripped.

But it was the words.

The ripped wallpaper had held words I would never forget. Words written in blood. Words that sealed my fate.

"you'll die in here"

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