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My Pepsi made loud pop as I cracked it open and headed back to Dean's large car. We had both decided to go out and forget about the things we had just witnessed and at the start, it had been working.

He was absolutely amazing at making my heart beat so fast. This was making me forget.

My whole life I never really had luck with relationships. I didn't mean that no one liked me and all that I meant things just never really worked out. A whole bunch of boys liked me growing up but I guess my looks just weren't enough.

Looks could always get you a boyfriend but to me, it's the personality that makes them stay. I guess I didn't have a good enough personality for them. It never really hurt me but of course, days passed by where all I really wanted was some love.

I sat in the car staring at the street lights and reading the signs. All I did was think. I felt like this wasn't right. I had literally convinced myself I had no time for romance but now I had second thoughts. I was pretty sure anyone would in a time like this.

I stood quite as Dean came into the car. I didn't want to look in his eyes. I knew if I did I would fall harder. He looked at me for way too long. A smirk started to appear on his face as my face began to feel hot.

"Why won't you look at me," he said cutely as he poked my shoulder " I even brought you something"

I wasn't surprised that he bought me something. He made sure to remember my words. I had asked him if he wanted to fall in love and of course, his answer was yes. I wasn't fully serious about that but he definitely was.

He pulled out a medium-sized teddy bear with a heart attached to it followed by a bag filled with candies and chips. I had just met him but he had known me so well.

I instantly stopped avoiding his look and went for the bear and the foods. He smiled as I went through the large bag.

"do we even have to go back? We could live off of this" I said as I pulled out three bags of chips.

"well I was thinking we go somewhere for at least a night you know in case we're next on whoever's hit list and also you seem like you need some time away from that place."

I went quiet for a second. Did I really look that bad? Or did could he just tell I was really losing my mind. I suddenly began to care. I cared about how I looked and I cared about the things I said but this was mostly because of how he showed me he cared. I just met him and he could already tell I was losing my mind and he also brought me food.

He was a dream and I wanted to fall for him.

"Thank you," I said quietly as he began starting up the car.

I watched him as he focused on the road. To me, he was literally perfect but no matter how perfect he was it still didn't stop the dark thoughts from coming back into my mind.

It was like everything got ten times darker the moment my eyes fell on those pictures. I could hardly understand them but I still felt like they were important.

The thing that was truly bugging me was the fact that Dean's family-owned those photos. Those dark and disturbing photos. They could've found the photos, they could've been given the photos or they could've taken them. That was the disturbing part.

There was a chance that the odd family that seemed to be obsessed with this hotel had been the people who caused all of this dark energy. They seemed so happy. It made no sense. Why would they do that? Would they continue? Are they still doing that? What even is that? What did they do? Why did they do it? I had all these questions but no answers.

That was until a thought hit me hard. I didn't know how dean ft about the situation but I was ready to find out now.

"maybe there just looking for the truth" I suggested. Dean seemed to be taken aback by my sudden suggestion.

"what?" he questioned. I guess he didn't understand exactly what I meant.

"your parents. Maybe they're just looking for the truth about the hotel. Just like us. They love the hotel so of course, they would want to know about the past right? I don't know it just really makes sense to me." at that point I was just rambling.

"That seems like wishful thinking," he said as he stopped the car once we reached a woody area. I figured we would be camping.

Dean pulled out pillows and blankets he had brought from the Hotel and began setting up the place we would both be sleeping.

I hadn't realized just how tired I was until I saw the "bed" finally set up. It was very late. I had no idea what time it was but I did know it was way too late. I headed to the bed and began getting comfortable with chocolate in one hand.

Dean pulled out a book and began reading. I actually wanted to talk to him but he seemed pretty invested in his book.

"stare much?" he asked as he sat his boom down and got up.

"I'm just bored"

He started to think for some time it wasn't long before he came to a solution to my problem "well then cuddle" he said as he pulled me down and wrapped his strong arms around me.

At this point, I felt like my heart was going to explode. I was positive he was the only boy who could make me feel this way.

Suddenly he began singing a soft song. His voice was beautiful and soft. It wasn't perfect but it sure felt that way to me.

At that moment I wanted to give the boy everything. I wanted to truly fall in love tonight.

I sat up and looked him in his eyes passionately "let's not cuddle" I said as my lips harshly made their way to his.

I hadn't known what had gotten into me but I sure did know I loved every second with him.

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