The Pink Hotel

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"This place looks expensive," Josie said as the four of us stood in front of what was very obviously the pink hotel.

The hotel made that quite obvious. At least that's how it seemed from the front. The huge amount of pink was almost puke worthy. Coming from me that meant a lot considering I personally loved pink, but this? It was just horrible.

The building stood tall in front of us. I wasn't even able to count how many windows there were. The only thing that wasn't pink was the window and door frames. That was the only thing that actually made the building look elegant.

The trees that stood outside the hotel looked as if they were trimmed every hour. They didn't really look that natural but how could I hate them? They were trees! And the truth is we really need more of those.

But I didn't care about the beauty? and ugliness that the hotel had. All I cared about was the feeling it gave me.

I truly felt worried almost scared.

The feeling that the hotel gave off definitely wasn't very pleasing. It had nothing to do with the look of the place at all. It was just how everything felt both wrong and out of place. I couldn't put my finger on why I felt this way.

I knew my parents would get offended by the words that were about to come out of my mouth but I truly couldn't help it. I was always the type to voice my opinions. To me the feeling that I was currently having deserved voicing.

"This place gives me a bad feeling" I whispered unusually. For some reason, I didn't want the hotel to hear my words. Not that it really could anyways.

"everything gives you a bad vibe," My dad said loudly. To me, it felt like he blew my cover. "Must be that anxiety you have right? Isn't that what it always is?"

Every worry I had turned into anxiety to him. He constantly brought this up. It seemed like that was the only thing he had known about me. Everyone had been tired of it. Even my mother who I had caught putting her head in her face as those words came out.

I didn't want to respond. what could I possibly say that would make him change? He was long gone.

I had been confused about how my parents even lasted this long. They seem like they can't stand each other but here we are in Georgia.

Our third move.

"What the fu-" my older sister Josie began she was interrupted by my mother's soft voice.

I had somewhat wanted Josie to continue her words and confront my dad but I knew things would end just like they always did.

"its only two weeks. Two weeks until our new house is ready and I get to disappear in it" her voice lowered at the end of her sentence it seemed like those words weren't for us but for herself.

"The truth is if you really want to take all your mother and I do for granted you shouldn't be here" my dad stated. Of course, he wasn't done. Was he ever done he always had way too much to say? This place creeped me out. That was it. I didn't ask for them to go all out on an expensive hotel. We didn't need that. To me it just seemed like a coping mechanism for there damaged relationship. "you should've just went with your siblings"

He had been right on that one. Camp was absolutely horrible but at least I would be away from family drama and this eerie hotel. Not only that but I would also get to be with my other siblings Mingyu and Kennedy.

Josie was the oldest and probably the one with the most problems. Well, she was great but her issues with my parents weren't. I wished I could be with her longer. Without the arguing. She would leave soon. Where ever she was going.

Josie elbowed my side and smiled at me "you know I trust you right?" she asked. I wasn't really looking for trust though I had a bad feeling. That was it "ever since you were little I knew you could sense things"

This came as a shock. I didn't know what happened to her but this was definitely weird. Our family has never been the type to believe in that stuff and here she was believing in things she couldn't see. I knew I most definitely couldn't sense things. Out of my whole family, I was positive I had to be the biggest nonbeliever. Once I even made a project disproving ghosts but it was probably really awful. I could probably make another one that would be ten times better.

I didn't want to discredit her beliefs no matter how bad I wanted to Say how wrong she was. I knew this time I should hold it in "let's go" I said as I began to walk towards the front door of the hotel.

People had been walking in and out, Bags were being rolled around, and I wasn't excited. The front doors had looked heavy but I couldn't know for sure. To men in fancy clothes held both doors open welcoming me and my family inside.

After a long talk and checking in at the counter, it was finally time to go up to our rooms. The more I looked around the more I started to become excited. The inside of the hotel was truly beautiful. It was almost pulling me in.

I strayed away from my family looking at the place in awe. It really was impressive.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" said a sophisticated voice from behind. I turned around to get a look at the person.

"yea," I said lowly as my eyes met with the short older woman. It wasn't long before an older man walked up beside her and wrapped his arm around her. I stood there as my heart began to race. I had no idea what to say as these to people staring at me.

They both looked at me with an unusual smile "Welcome to the pink hotel!"

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