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  It wasn't long before I escaped the families non stop talking. I wasn't a talker. They definitely we're. I sighed the moment I finally stopped walking and appreciated the fact that I got away from them.

It honestly felt like I knew their whole life story. They owned the hotel blah blah they loved their son blah blah blah but most importantly how they love this hotel more than anything. They were true weirdos.

Weirdos who loved to talk.

I didn't want to think too much so I decided that walking around the place would be ten times better. The place I had ended up was presumably the place where we got dinner.

I had gotten this idea from the countless tables that filled the area and the long row of metal trays that looked like they held food. I wasn't the brightest but I definitely knew what a buffet looked like and this was definitely one. Minus the foods of course.

There had been many luxurious things in just one room. The floor had been a beautiful marble color and the ceiling had beautiful drawings on it. Drawings of angels, flowers and just nature its self.

I began to feel like I had been wrong about this whole place. Maybe my feeling was wrong. Maybe there was truly nothing wrong in this place. I really hated to be wrong through.

I began walking around the almost empty room. My hands brushed across the soft chairs and the marble tables that were very similar to the floor.

I almost felt comfort. The silence and the beauty of the place was enough to inflict the tiniest amount of comfort on me. That feeling immediately disappeared as my eye met with the only thing that had been intruding on my happiness.

I truly wanted to take in the beauty of this place but I could help but feel uncomfortable as a man stood and stared at me from the corner of the room.

He didn't even sit down. All he did was stand and stare. My eyes met with his multiple time and not in a cute way either. He had truly scared me. The only thing that wasn't making me run out was his looks. No not in the cute way either. He didn't look like a pervy old man. He just looked like a young teen.

That quickly became more.

He began to shake his head nervously. His long blonde hair shook. I immediately looked down. I didn't want to get caught looking at him and I also didn't want to seem like I was judging him.

He no longer looked like he was looking at me. Instead, he was continuing to shake his hand in what seemed like a panic. I began to worry about him but I knew I could never bring myself to actually go up to the boy.

The sounds of crying began to fill the room that was previous absolutely silent. I watched as he bent down on the floor and began hitting the table as the sound of him crying got louder.

The countless bangs made me jump more than once. I needed to get out of there. I didn't know what was wrong with the boy but I definitely didn't want to be apart of it. I was very keen on minding my own business and anybody who knew me knew that that was nothing but the truth.

I picked up my feet quietly and began heading to the door on the other side of the room.

My heartfelt like it was going to fall out of my chest if he caught me. Even though he totally knew I was there that didn't stop me from feeling like this.

I had most definitely been a worrier.

My feet began moving faster as I tried to get out of this awkward situation. The boy didn't seem to notice me no matter how many times I looked back to see if he had finally seen me. I began to feel at ease as I came close to the exit of the room.

I pang of relief fell over me as my hand fell on the white door frames that I had been putting in my all to reach.

I knew that this would only be over and maybe I would get to take a quality nap after this. Things could only go up from here, right?

I turned back at the boy for one last look.

I was taken aback as his sad blue eyes met mine. His long blonde hair covered his face. Other then his eyes another prominent feature of his was his lip.

His lips were dry and almost white. He had looked like he was dying. Tear stains marked his pale skin. I felt bad and I knew at this point that I had to help him.

As I looked at him his face began to change into a smirk. I stood there even more confused then I had initially been. The boy no longer looked sad. He looked flat out scary. It no longer mattered that he wasn't a pervy old man.

His under-eye bags became more noticeable as he sat there and smiled at me.

I had been so panicked I couldn't even move. It was almost like I had just seen a ghost. Even though I didn't I couldn't help but make the connection.

As I stood there my heart began pounding and everything I could think of ran threw my head. I didn't want to help him anymore. I just wanted to get away.

"Ms.?" questioned somebody in front of me. I had heard the words but I still stood there staring at the boy. It was almost like I had no choice.

I wished I hadn't tried to take one last look.

A hand touched my shoulder and my head instantly shot forward. I was released out of my trance-like state and had now been making I contact with an older woman.

"you know you not allowed in here at this time," she said as she leaned back and crossed her arms.

After what had just happened I just wanted fresh air. I also definitely didn't want to get scolded by some random lady.

I instantly went around the woman "cool thanks" I said as I took off to the nearest exit.

"Have some respect!" she shouted as I continued to walk-off. I truly didn't want to hear it.

My hands met with the cold door. As I pushed it open I expected to feel a cold breeze similar to the inside of the hotel but I got the total opposite.

It was hot and sunny. I stood there in confusion but I quickly pushed the thought away as a new feeling began to take over.

I felt like I weight came off of me. I had never been and outside person but now I had loved it. There had been thousands of flowers filling the area.

I finally felt truly calm with absolutely no interruptions.

I felt free.

I felt like there wasn't something looming over me.

I hadn't known much about this place but I did know that something was off. Before I thought it was a mistake but the moment I left the hotel I felt different.

The beauty of the hotel couldn't mask the bad vibe anymore.

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