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"He won't be home" whispered the woman as she quickly picked up a towel and threw it at the boy. Something was telling me this lady wasn't to be trusted. So I chose to not follow the boy into the bathroom. I knew it would be better if I stayed either her and kept my eye on things.

Oddly enough the lady hadn't been sharpening her knife or plotting a murder. All she had done was pull out an oddly familiar book from her shelf and read. It didn't make sense. I knew she was not to be trusted but someone so sinister shouldn't have been reading a book at such a venerable time.

I shook my head and headed to the bathroom. If she was going to be boring I would have to find something else. I was sure the boy was probably just as boring but still, I went.

I walked in on the boy in the tub. Surprisingly he had been taking a bubble bath. He didn't seem like the bubble bath type. I didn't notice that he wasn't very calm. Something about him was off. He looked both stressed and hurt but what else would I expect from him.

The truth was I actually enjoyed the calmness. Of course, I wasn't getting the answers I needed but that didn't change anything. I still had no clue what the truth was and I began to doubt I would ever find out. At least I would get a moment to think my whole life over before I would get murdered by three teenage ghosts. I could think of my messy family. I could think of my boring childhood. I could think about my closest friend aka my brother. I could think about how dumb my younger sister is. I could think about all my failed romance. I could think about Dean.


I hoped he was ok. I hoped he didn't have to witness the thing I had to but the truth was we were probably going through the same thing. He had always said we were one and the same. That he had only known the things he had because he had gone through them himself. He would never talk about the things he saw or the things he knew. when we were together there was no need to talk about the torment the hotel had caused both of us.

I hoped he wasn't dead. What if he couldn't figure things out? he would die? It worried me to think that things were really that simple. I would have to go through whatever they had planned for me. If I didn't figure it out. I needed to figure things out.

I began trying to put things together. Even if they didn't make sense. There had to be a reason that I was being shown these events. The woman was married and wealthy. She barely put work into her job. So she had to be with someone both hard-working and wealthy. That wasn't enough. My mind began to wander to the inevitable conclusion of death. the boy would die but how and why. Why would somebody want to kill him?


things began to click together. If the boy was going to die right now it would be for a reason and it would be by someone willing to kill.

The man.

who else would it be? If these two were partners in murder he would be the only one willing to kill. He would do all the work. The man was her husband and according to the boy, he should be home any minute.

My eyes shot up with worry. Things could go so wrong at any moment.

I jumped as a loud bang rang out from outside the bathroom. Instantly my mind went towards the worst. He was here I repeated in my head as I began pacing around. The boy next to me had the same worry as he quickly rushed to turn off the water and close the curtain. I figured he was going to try and hide from the man. The look of pure fear showed me that the boy wasn't very sure he could get away with it.

The door busted open and I shot to the back of the room in fear. I didn't care that this wasn't really happening. The man still put fear in my heart. Now more than ever. especially after seeing what he did to both Nell and the girl.

Even though I was scared I still got confirmation that the man had in fact been the lady's husband.

My eye fell on the raging man. His face was reddening as seconds passed and his fists were both clenched into fists. I instantly began to worry for the boy that would be on the receiving side of the man's anger.

The whole bathroom fell silent as the man looked of the culprit whose clothes had covered the floor. His eyes monitored all around the room. Going to every square inch as quickly as possible. For a second I almost thought that the boy could have gotten away with it but the sound of dripping water had taken over the silence. My eyes fell on the water that had been overflowing from the bathroom and on to the ground. The man's eyes also fell on the spot.

I knew he had been caught.

The man quickly threw himself at the boy. The loud sound of splashing water filled the air. I watched as the curtain quickly came down and revealed the image of the man's hands quickly finding their way to the boy's neck.

The man instantly began to push the boys head underwater as the the sound of muffled yells filled the air. The boys arms and legs flailed around as he tried to get the man off of him.

The woman walked into the room and began to watch. Instantly I had known that this was planned. The smirk on get face had confirmed it

The sound of yells and splashing water slowly stopped. His legs stopped moving and he stopped fighting.

He was dead. This was finally going to end.

I closed my eyes in preparation to end up back in the room I had been in not too long ago instead my eyes fell on the same empty bathroom I had just been in.

It wasn't over?

The Pink Hotelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें