Lights out

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My hand fell on the door as I finally reached my room. My other hand shot into my back pocket in hopes I would still have my key card. After all the running and shenanigans that just ensued I was almost positive I had dropped it.

"yes" I whispered as I pulled the card out of my back pocket. The card definitely fit the hotel. Just like everything else here it was covered in pink.

It made sense but to me, it was still way too much and I just couldn't get over it. Why? Why does everything need to be colored pink? It was so unnecessary. All I needed to be happy was the necessities not the overwhelming amount of pink that covered the wall.

I shook my head as I pushed the key card in.

Finally, I would get the sleep I needed. At this point that was all I wanted.


Sleep was so simple. Yet at the moment it was all I could think about.

My dreams we're always interesting and realistic. To me, it was like a getaway. A place we're things I certainly knew not to be true could wander and roam.

I pushed the cold door open. A breeze instantly hit my face. The room was freezing. Just how I liked it. After a long day of driving and running away, it was what I needed. Good sleep in a cold room.

I instantly turned the light on the moment I stepped in. The room had once again fit the hotels brand. It was overwhelmingly fancy for no reason. The room looked like I could have come from years ago. The room was odd.

After looking around I turned them back off "lights out" I whispered to myself as I reached into my already delivered luggage.

I slid my large tee-shirt over my body and quickly fell into bed. I did care what time it was. I needed to sleep.

My consciousness began to fade away as I got comfortable


My eyes fluttered open. I could barely see what was around me but I instantly knew I wasn't where I started. I had no clue where I had been but it all seemed familiar.

My bones felt weak as I sat on the floor in the unknown location. I wasn't the type for wasting time. I needed to know what was happening and I needed to know now.

I began moving my body. Pain began striking from every area. I hadn't been more confused. I placed my hand on the hard ground that was covered in a powdery substance. I lifted my hand to my face in hopes of finding out what was happening.

My eyes focused on the powder but it didn't give me any ideas. That was until my eyes began focusing on everything around me.

I was in the pink hotel.

Except it wasn't the pink hotel.

Well, at least not now. The whole place had been falling apart. Ceiling paint falling off, doors not even connected to the hooks, broken pieces of the hallway all over the ground and the signature pink paint peeling.

Everything looked all too real even though I knew that that was impossible. I wasn't a sleepwalker and a place like this could never look this torn apart. I began walking down the hallway.

I was looking for the answer and if in some world this was actually real this would be the place I would find it.

My hand reached out to the disturbing drawings on the wall. This place looked absolutely abandoned.

That's what I thought until the sound of laughter filled the air. I jumped up and gave a small shriek. I had been more than confused now. I had been scared. It took everything in me not to crawl up on the ground and cry. I began looking closely at everything when I came in contact with words written on the white walls.

There was obviously more but the rest of it was covered by the pink paint that hadn't fully peeled off.

"they'll go through your ears into your brain," I said as I read of the only part I could see.

"they will," said a dark voice from behind me. I quickly turned around as my eyes met with a dark shadow. The shadow had seemed familiar as the man crouched down as he reached for my face. I screamed as I threw myself backward in hopes of getting away from the man.

The laughs began to get louder as multiple dark shadows began flying in front for my face.

My heart was beating uncontrollably as these shadows flew in front of me.

They took my fear as a joke. They laughed at me as I sat on the floor uncontrollably crying and screaming hoping somebody would come.

But no one would come

That was just the plain truth. Who would come at a time like this? I didn't even know what was real.

There was one thing I was sure of I knew the screaming and crying wouldn't stop.

I shook uncontrollably and let out my most high pitched scream yet.

The sounds seemed to drown out what was happening as I instantly got up from the bead with sweat dripping down my face.

I had never been so thankful that something wasn't really in my life.

At that same moment, my door busted open to a disheveled Josie.

"what the hell" she shouted as her eyes made contact with mine "I haven't heard you scream like that since we were little kids"

She was right. When I was little I had quite the imagination. It definitely showed. I would constantly get scared mostly because of my own imagination.

I hated the feeling of me being compared to how I was as I child because the truth was I was nothing like her.

"look I don't know what happened to you but this place gives me the creeps and I want to paint some nails," said the girl as she lifted her bag.

I instantly knew that's what I needed.

I was also way too tired to ask where she had been or why she had looked like such a mess. She was so secretive.

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