Ghost Of You

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The man who still somehow haunted my memories stood right there and there was nothing I could do. He watched and eyed the girls with such hunger. It was a look I had known all too well.

My mind instantly started heading back to that night. Sadly I could remember every detail. I could remember the look on his face and I could remember my heart pounding so fast. I could feel it pound. I hoped he didn't plan to hurt them. I hoped he didn't plan to hurt Nell but she didn't exist right.

This wasn't real.

Nothing made sense. Why was the girl showing me this and what was I suppose to do about it? Who even is Nell? I was positive she was just a figure of my imagination but now I had no idea. I had to figure things out. The reason she was showing me this was for me to figure it out. I couldn't change things but I could at least try and figure things out.

From what the girl had said I needed to figure things out. If I didn't I would end up like them? It didn't make sense but I decided to just take her word for it.

I knew what I had seen was true and I knew I couldn't take the risk. The things I had been through in these two weeks we're enough for me to literally almost kill myself. No matter how much they tried to hide it I knew that this was all because of them. They had been the ones giving me those nightmares and they had been the ones making me see those things. I felt stupid. I shouldn't even have allowed things to get this far but it was too late and now it was time.

The Man began to slowly make his way towards the unsuspecting victims. They were so oblivious. Even when I was in the same situation I wasn't that oblivious. They must've really thought they were safe. That was far from the truth.

He looked around at all of the happy people that filled the dining room. I was positive they had no idea about whatever monstrous things that were going on. I wished I would've been lucky enough to be in there position but I knew that that was nowhere near true. In fact, I had known way too much.

The man suddenly stopped as Nell walked away from the girl. She turned back and gave the girl a smile and some words before she disappeared into the crowd of people. I watched in confusion.

Had the girl been crazy. They were all each other had and now they were both alone. It had left some sort of anger in my heart.

I shuffled through the group of people in hopes of finding Nell. I figured if anyone would be able to help it would be her. She was my friend right? Or we're my words just too much for her to handle.

My hand fell on the girl's shoulder in hopes of getting her attention but of course, that didn't work. I repeatedly tried to grab the girl but nothing was working. This wasn't my reality. It was like I was just watching a show. A show where I couldn't do anything. I had nothing.

"Nell you need to go" I shouted as she talked to random people in the dining room. I had never felt more useless. I didn't want to just let things happen but also didn't want to do anything.

I had watched Nell talk for way too long. By the time had turned around both the man and the girl were gone. I knew if anything was going to happen it would happen now. I began pushing through people who couldn't even see me.

I quickly began walking towards the hallway when a loud shout rang out.

"Nell!!" The yell had sounded both scared and restrained. I knew something was stopping her from yelling loudly at the top of her lung.

I knew it was the man.

Who else would it be? Everything led back to him and I couldn't even recognize his face. It was almost like the hotel didn't want me to.

My head instantly shot back in hopes Nell had heard. She was the girl's only hope at this point. I watched the group of wealthy people talk and somewhat dance as I hoped Nell would pop out of the crowd and save the day. But at the same time, I couldn't wait for her forever.

This girl was going through something I had known all too well and I couldn't allow it. I looked forward in hopes I could see the two but nothing. I turned back waiting for Nell's head to pop out but nothing.

"Damn it" I whispered as I began to take off towards the man and the girl.

My brain began hurting as I ran down those all too familiar hallways. I had remembered looking at everything detail as I believed I was going to die. I turned around a sharp corner that had previously almost got me killed and my eyes fell on something I never wanted to see.

The girl laid out on the floor as she kicked and pushed in hopes of getting away. That was all she could do. All I could do was watch and pray for a miracle.

The girl's green eyes fell on mine as I watched my eyes watered as she stared. I wondered if she could have really seen me. I hoped that wasn't the case.

Suddenly an angry Nell flew by me and began flinging her thin arms at the man. My heart began racing harder than before. I knew this was there only chance. The girl had escaped from the man's grip and began taking off down the hallway.

"come on!" She yelled with all the power she had left.

Nell wasn't giving up.

The girl flew backward as the man picked himself up off the floor. She needed to go. She picked herself up and dodged the man's hit. Her fists flew towards his face and landed square on his cheek. I knew it would do much damage.

"I don't want to!!" shouted the man. His voice had been so familiar. I knew I had heard it before.

"No" she yelled as she threw herself at the man.

"No" I screamed as I ran forward. Everything felt as if everything was in slow motion. She had been strong. Strong enough to keep going. That's what killed her.

The moment she threw herself the man pulled out a black pistol and a loud and dangerous shot rang out.

My eyes closed in hopes of waking up only to open my eyes to a dead Nell.

She had a small bullet hole in the side of her cheek. Blood filled the carpet as the girl laid there lifeless.

Things finally made sense.

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