Heart Eyes

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I stared into the boys blue eyes for way too long. If I didn't know any better I would have gotten a total crush on him and its been a while since I actually thought about having a crush on someone.

I found myself looking at the boys every feature from his light brown hair to his sharp jawline and more. He was tall and very fashionable. His appearance was very appealing.

I didn't know how long we stood there staring at each other. I had never saw the boy but the way he looked at me made it seem like he's known me his whole life or he maybe just saw me around. I didn't really care.

All I knew was my brain managed to create a pretty hot boy too love me before I die.

"damn brain" I whispered as I continued to look at the boy. He was practically my imagination so I didn't really care about wasting time. At first he looked at me confused but not long after he laughed and ran his hand threw his hair.

"Listen" he said as he grabbed both of my shoulders with much more force than the first time "I'm real and your not crazy even if that's how it seems. The truth is things out there aren't real but it's not your mind" he got closer to me as if he didn't want anyone else to hear his next words "Its the Hotel"

"The Hotel huh?" I questioned with a laugh. Me and the boy sat down on the floor. He was cute and stuff but he seemed crazy. How could a hotel drive you mad? I really didn't believe him and a part of me still believed be was a part of my absolutely insane imagination.

He seemed to know how I felt. He sat there in silence and looked like he was thinking of a way to possibly convince me that this was all because of a hotel. A hotel!

"would you rather be insane or be attacked by a evil hotel?" he asked. It seemed like that was his convincing point but the truth was it had the exact opposite effect.

Now I was positive that we were both going crazy. His sentence gave off the feeling of someone trying to blame there craziness on something other than themselves. I knew it was me and I knew there was nothing that could change that.

I shook my head in response to his statement. He obviously looked disappointed he just needed better reasons on why a hotel would drive us mad.

"Fine you don't have to believe but don't kill yourself," he said seriously " I could show you why things like this only happen in the hotel but you'd have to promise me you won't kill yourself"

His offer didn't really seem worth the risk but I was kinda curious. I also wanted as much extra time I could manage. I really didn't want to die I just felt like I had too.

There was one thing I needed to know though. I didn't believe in the supernatural or that this hotel was driving us insane but when I first got to the hotel I knew something was off. Now after everything that's happened I knew I needed to figure this place out.

"fine, but you have to help me solve this hotel. There's something off and I just need to know. I need to know before I leave"

He looked very pleased by my answer it seemed like he had gotten even more then he asked. I figured he also had questions about this odd hotel.

"Deal" he said "there's a pretty simple way for us to find out but if we get caught we might get killed or something"

Being killed didn't seem that bad considering I was literally going to kill myself twenty minutes ago. Still I wondered what he meant. It seemed like he knew a lot more than me about this place. It made me wonder how long he's been here.

"I'm down" I laughed "but I have a question that I probably should've asked already"

"what is it" he said with a smile as he gave me his hand so I could pick myself up off the ground.

"Who are you?" I said kind of imitating a funny video I had saw not long ago.

He laughed immediately getting the joke "My name's Dean. I've kinda lived here my whole life"

I stood there in shock. How was it possible to live in a place like this your whole life? I had a feeling he knew a lot but I had no idea it was because he grew up with the eeriness of the pink hotel. I had no idea how someone could pull that off.

"I'm Blair and I'm glad I haven't lived here my whole life" I was being honest. I would have gone crazy long long ago if that was the case.

"You should be glad," he said with a laugh. I honestly wished I never stepped foot inside this hotel. I that would have been the dream.

We walked out of the closet and into a regular hallway that did not have blood falling down it. It was kind of like once you were with somebody all of the dark things stopped. I remembered Nell mentioning something like that.

"is it true that when you're with somebody these crazy things don't really happen?" I asked

"we'll have too see" said the boy as he wrapped his arm around.

I hadn't known how many times I had steamed a look at the boy. He was just really attractive. Before I knew it we reached a large door that looked like it wasn't meant for any guests.

"is this where the private info is?" I questioned filled with confusion

He stayed silent for a while until suddenly he pulled out some keys from his back pocket.

"nope" he said quietly "this is my home"

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