What He Did

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My hand flew towards the doorknob. I knew my time had come. I knew I needed to get out. My heart was pounding furiously. I had no idea what would happen or how it would happen but I did know I wasn't going to go down without a fight.

My hand pushed and pulled the doorknob but still nothing. the sound of the door being hit was the only sound I heard. Panic ran through my body as I realized I was truly in danger.

These things that were happening were never a coincidence. The moment I had stepped in the pink hotel everything began to fall apart. I was never crazy. I was never doing these things to myself they were being done to me. If I wasn't so stubborn I could have seen it sooner but now it was too late. It was way too late.

I had no more time.

The ground began shaking. Shaking so hard that it was almost impossible for me to stand up on my feet. Still, I faced the door and kept on going no matter how terrified of whatever was behind me. All I really knew was that the door wasn't opening and I was almost positive that it never would.

The sound of things shattering and falling came from behind me as tears began to gather up in my eyes. I knew something bad was coming and I would never get out. I threw myself at the door and yelled in hopes somebody would random come and save me just like all the other times but from the looks of the battle that had been waiting for me, the moment I stepped in would have to be fought.

No matter how hard I fought nothing was working. I had nothing.

The sounds behind me only got louder as the ground began to shaking even harder. Suddenly I flew to the ground. My head hit the hard ground as things around me got even worse. My vision started to blur and the chances of me getting back up looked slim. Still, I persisted in hopes somehow I would make it.

A loud band rang out as I fell to the ground once again. This time it was much worse. My head was in so much pain and I couldn't even manage to recuperate.

My conciseness began to fade away and so did my hopes. I knew all my chances were gone as a burning hand grabbed my face and began pulling it up. I didn't want to look at the person..or thing. I just wanted to sleep.

The person lifted my head enough for my eyes to reach hers. I knew I had seen her multiple times. I had seen her eyes just earlier that day but at that moment she was fully in front of me. She was both tall and skinny. She seemed like she could have been a model but that didn't matter. The beauty just seemed like a disguise. 

"We don't want to hurt you" Whispered the young lady.

"speak for yourself!" shouted a voice from behind. Only then did I actually look behind the lady. My eyes fell on two familiar faces. The one who had talked was the blond-haired boy I had ran into when I had first got here and the second was a younger boy who looked fearful. I had recognized him from the store.

"We want your help," Said the lady. Her voice was slowly getting more and more mischievous. I knew not to trust any of them. I was smarter now. "That's all we want"

"Tell her what happens if she doesn't make it!" Yelled the brown-haired boy in the back. The fear in his voice was prominent. The girl quickly reacted and let out a very loud yell.

"Shut up!" The girl was obviously frustrated by the boy's remark. I almost felt bad for him.

She looked back at me softly and said words I knew I would never forget "It's simple to love, you figure the truth out and your free. You'll live happily and you might even end up the The boy"

The blond-haired boy interrupted and recited a few familiar words " you don't deserve me" he laughed.


Instantly I wanna as hit with the realization that I truly knew nothing. This was all a plan for me to be alone. So they could attack. I had fallen for it and I had left Dean because of words that weren't even his. That was enough for me to want to give up right then and there. I felt like I had nothing.

"Don't listen to him! Listen to me. You need to figure this out and if you don't you'll end up just like us. It's that simple. Ok?" she asked as she gripped my face harder.

I knew I would die either way so I would need to try.

"ok," I said as she pulled me closer and made sure my eyes stayed on hers.

Her stunning eyes slowly rolled backward as she made me watch. I could see every single red vein on her. I knew I would see worse then what was happening right in front of me. Just as her eyes fully turned around the shot back and left me to look at her opened eye sockets and with one blink I was gone.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light of the room I had ended up in. The dining room. It was a place I had never stepped foot in since the incident. Slowly things started to flood back but I pushed them away. I knew what I had come here for.

After a while of searching my eyes finally fell on the girl, I had just locked eyes with. She wore a short white dress and her hair and been placed perfectly. My eyes moved to the person next to her. It was a girl with long straight hair and a nice blue dress. I knew I had known her.

I got closer in hopes I could figure it out the girl slowly turned her head as if someone had been watching her. I was right. It was her.

It was Nell.

She walked alongside the girl who had practically been tormenting me. Nothing made sense.

I followed her eyes and instantly felt horror.

It was the man.

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