Mind Back

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Nell had become my go-to for everything. If I had a problem she would be the first to know. That's how things worked. She was the only person I had actually really trusted outside of my family. My whole life I only ever really trusted my family but now that I couldn't really do that anymore I had Nell.

Josie had tried to talk to me on multiple occasions but I didn't really want to hear it. I was the type to not forgive or forget. That's what's kept me sane. I never really did second chances either to me if you hurt me you hurt me. There's no going back from that.

I don't like wasting my time.

Other than that things were good.

Ever since I had Nell everything calmed down. I barely had the dreams and when I did she was always there to calm me down and bring me back to reality.  I had gotten lucky with her. I had gotten lucky in general.

Even though no more things happened that didn't stop things that already happened from coming back. Day after day all I saw was the man's face and honestly, it was driving me insane. Well, not really insane. I already felt what it was like to be insane.

The only thing that was pushing me at this point was how it would eventually be over. I knew I would leave this place and I knew I would never come back. That was all I really needed. Thoughts of being anywhere other than this hotel always filled my head. I didn't care where I was going.

Things being calm gave me a lot of time to think. I had a lot more problems then I thought. Soon I would be going back to school which sucked but I knew it would be much worse than my old school.

This time I would never leave.

Well for 10 months. 10 months of being in school with people I would probably hate. Not only would I have to deal with that but I would also have to deal with my family issues that were nonstop at this point. The only thing I didn't have to deal with was Josie. I had actually been happy that she was leaving. It did sound bad but it was true.

I didn't want to deal with the constant apologies that meant nothing to me. All I wanted was peace.

I didn't know if I would get that now.

I signed as I laid on the hotel bed. I just wanted to get away. This hotel definitely wasn't the vacation I needed.

"are you ok?" Nell questioned as she sat on the counter. I was ok. For now.

"I guess," I said. I was pretty unsure about that. Was I ok? I had no clue.

"you'll be fine. You seem like the type who could make it work"

I guess she was right. I made it this far without being dead. I could probably survive whatever was thrown at me.

Well, I hoped I could.

I didn't want to stress about it. I got up from the bed and immediately grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it at Nell with full force.

A sharp scream emitted from her mouth followed by a laugh.

"big mistake," she said as she grabbed the pillow I had thrown. I instantly took off. I had started so it was obvious I also had to end it. How could I let her win? That would be stupid. I literally had to win and I had no choice.

It wasn't long before I reached a dead end. The girl walked towards me slowly as if she was trying to scare me but the truth was it had the opposite effect. She looked like an old lady who definitely needed her cane.

I let out a loud laugh as I bent down and began to cover my head. It seemed like my laugh was a trigger because I didn't even make it. She jumped up towards me and it felt like my life flashed before my eyes. The look on her face was one of pure effort. I knew she was about to annihilate me.

A hard smack hit my face. I knew that if that wasn't a pillow I would have probably gotten knocked out. I fell to the floor I didn't know how long I lied there. For a second I really thought I was dead. With a hit so powerful who wouldn't think that.

"is my nose still there?" I said as I reached up to feel it. I honestly thought it was gone. Nell just laughed as she picked up the pillow and put it back on my bed. After making sure my nose was still there I went to take a seat where Nell had been sitting before.

"That was tiring," I said," also headache-inducing". I rubbed my head as a result of Nells hard hit. I felt like my brain was beating like a heart and I also could have sworn I heard it too.

She had really done the most. It was kinda funny and of course, I wasn't mad at her. I actually hoped I would meet more people like her in my new school. More people who would give me headaches.

I wished our friendship would last longer but the truth was I was leaving soon and I would probably never see her again.

"I'm gonna miss you," I said abruptly. Her face had changed she kind of looked proud. I would have been proud to. It must've been a lot of work to get somebody like me to open up and actually be your friend. My closest friends were always my siblings and I thought that would never change.

"I'm going to miss you too I would recommend coming to visit me in the hotel but that wouldn't be a very good idea," she said as she leaned in and gave me a hug.

I laughed "your right"

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