Night Lights

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"walk slower" Nell whispered as she tried to catch up to me. I was speed walking down the lit-up streets in hopes of finding Josie.

Josie seemed like an average city girl to me so where else would she be. I honestly thought I had a good idea of the secret life she was living but from the looks of it, I must have been very wrong.

I still continued to quickly stagger down the streets. My legs had been completely out of control. Swaying left and swaying right. Leading me here and leading me there. I felt like the running I had endured during the last few days turned my legs into there own being.

Nell definitely didn't fit into the atmosphere of the city we walked through. I was positive people we're giving us looks. Who wouldn't?

Nell was absolutely gorgeous. It just felt like she had been born at the wrong time. her blue, flowy dress and black dress shoes that looked like they could have been from years ago. There was nothing wrong with that but it didn't fit the city.

The city was like a city. That was the only way I could explain it. Thousands of teens walking around in the trendy fashion that both Nell and I didn't have. Don't get me wrong I was a fashion girl but I didn't really expect to be roaming the city in hopes I would run into my sister. In fact, all I wanted was a donut.

A nice big strawberry donut. The sprinkles would be placed on the donut so perfectly as if they were personally put there by the gods. The taste. The taste would be absolutely amazing. The sweetness would be a prominent taste that made the donut ten times better. All I could think about was the donut. All I could think about was the first taste of the donut that I would have taken. Wow. The donut I worked so hard for. The donut I hadn't even gotten a chance to taste.

The feeling was bittersweet.

With thoughts of the donut came thoughts of what came with the donut. I knew I would never forget but right now that's all I wanted. No.

"This is useless," I said as I abruptly stopped in the middle of the streets and threw my hands into the air "I'm done".

There was no other option now. She just wasn't popping up. She was practically nowhere to be found and I had enough of it.

I had all these feelings I needed to release and of course she wasn't here. I almost died and no one cared. I felt disgusted by the people I grew up with. I felt disgusted by the people who raised me but most importantly I felt alone.

The girl that stood beside me didn't change the fact that still alone on the inside. I just wanted to go home. The placed I actually considered home. Not my new place or this hotel.


I leaned up against the concrete as I thought. Thought about everything. I knew this was only the start. That's what hurt.

This was only the beginning

I slowly bent down and ended up sitting on the cold, dirty ground. My hands went through my hair as my head pounded nonstop. If my head we're to jump right off I wouldn't be very surprised. That's how bad it was.

"you know you can just talk to me right?" asked the girl beside me.

The truth was I didn't really want to talk to her. I didn't even know her. Why would I pour my problems on a girl I had just met? Especially considering she saved my life.

It just felt wrong

She sighed and gave me a side smile "just talk".


I laughed for the first time in a while as Nell made a stupid joke. She was definitely good with words. She calmed me down a lot actually. My headache started to calm down and my legs weren't shaking as much as they were before. I hadn't expected anything good to come from our conversation but I was wrong. I was really wrong.

I ended up with a friendship.

She made things better.

As I continued laughing my head turned to focus on the group of teens that had been behind Nell. Of course, they stood on the sidewalk laughing and causing a mess.

A large cloud of smoke blew out of a pair of lips I knew way too well.

My heart stopped as the cloud slowly disappeared and revealed a face that I hadn't expected. I thought she would be here but not juuling and drinking with a while group of loud and obnoxious teenagers. It seems like she found her people.

The truth was I was absolutely raging. While I was running around looking for someone to talk to me and make sure I was not crazy she was out in the streets ruining her lungs like an idiot.

I guess someone's behaviors aren't bad until there directly hurting you.

She was supposed to be my older sister.

I picked myself off the ground and began walking towards her with my fist clenched. I knew it would take a lot for me to not punch her.

The moment her eyes met with mine she tried to wave the smoke away from her face but she had already been way too late.

The moment I reached her I pushed her back and yelled:" what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Take a chill pill," said one of her obnoxious friends. My sight quickly turned to her friend before I knew it had my hands tight on her collar.

"you don't know crap!" I yelled as Josie tried to get me off.

"what's wrong with you? Why aren't you at the hotel?" she asked my grip released and now I was just laughing.

"Why I'm I not at the hotel!? I don't know! Maybe I was the fact that it was driving me insane or maybe it was the fact that I just almost got killed and raped!! Who knows??!!" I laughed

Nell's freezing cold hand hit my shoulder and at that moment I knew had said enough.

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