Me + you

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Ever since that night, I had loved Dean. I had loved him like I had loved no other. I didn't care about how fast we were going nor did I care about what others thought. With him I was safe.

Every moment with him was filled with laughter and fun and in the end, that was all I wanted. It was all I needed. I knew as long as I was with him I was safe. I had felt like I had truly been getting my mind back and it was all because of him.

I knew I would finally leave this hotel. I knew that all of the terror and craziness would soon leave me alone. I knew a huge weight would be lifted off of my back.

I also knew it would be harder for us to be together but at this point, I had no other choice. Even if I couldn't directly notice the things the hotel was doing I still felt it.

I felt like something was coming and I needed to getaway. I just hoped I would be gone before then.

To me these days upon days had just been the lead-up. Maybe the lead up to the truth or maybe something much worse. I didn't want to find out.

Both I and Dean sat on the couch I was scrolling threw my phone which I had just recently gotten back after losing it the night I was running from the psychotic man. Dean was paying close attention to the odd scientific show that had been playing on the tv.

It was hard for me to stay focused on my timeline as the show played. It just all sounded so interesting. I was never a science person like him but I could help but get caught up in the show. Well that was what was happening before.

Now my eyes didn't leave my phone not because I was engrossed in Instagram pictures, In fact, I hadn't even known what was really on my screen.

I was just stuck. Stuck on everything that happened. No matter how calm things we're now my mind couldn't help but go back to when things were horrible and frightening.

It seemed like Dean had taken a notice to my odd behavior. He looked at me with a worried look on his face. I knew he was trying his best to make me forget about the things I had just gone through but it didn't seem to be working.

I was brought out of my dark thoughts as I felt Dean tap my shoulder. I turned to him and smiled as if that would make him forget about my weird antics. Obviously, that didn't work. All he did was raise an eyebrow at me and shake his head.

His eyes widened and his smile grew as he paused his show and got up off of the couch.

"I've got a pretty good idea. I wanted to give this to you when you were leaving but you should have it now"

I had absolutely no idea what today's present would be but I wasn't surprised. It seemed like the boy had tried to get me a gift every day and honestly it meant a lot to me.

I knew that he was trying to get me back on my feet especially after I tried to go and kill myself. I knew I shouldn't have told him that but at the time I trusted him and now I trusted him even more so what difference would it make.

The only reason I regretted telling him that was because of how he treated me now. I loved his gifts and his sweetness but I also hated feeling like a project. I felt like I was Something he had to fix even if he didn't look at it like that.

The boy quickly came back with a paper in his hands. This was definitely different. Most of the time he had picked up something from the store but this was just a piece of paper.

The only slowly say next to me as he eyed the later with a very proud look. I hadn't known what he had done but I did know he was proud of it.

He placed the paper in my hands and said "I'm not the best at poems but I figured you wouldn't really mind"

He had written a poem for me. It was definitely unexpected but even without reading the words I knew I was absolutely lucky to have him. No one had ever written me a poem my whole life but here he was. 

He was a boy I had just met yet he made me feel a way I never had before. He was the light at the end of the tunnel.

My eyes fell on the page as I began to read his words

I knew we were the same the moment I laid eyes on you

I knew you were everything I wasn't

You did the things I only could imagine

You had no second thoughts

And even after everything you had seen you still managed to keep the true beauty that was inside you

The beauty I instantly fell for

The fiery passion that lit up your eyes as you continued to fight for your life

The way your hair blew as you ran

The way you didn't give up

The way you were nothing like me

All of it was enough for me to risk everything

I would do it over again any day

I looked at the boy for way too long. I read every word multiple times in hopes I would better understand but I knew I would never truly understand the feelings the boy had in his heart. The feelings he had for me.

" I know its not perfect trust me I'm really not good at this but I really tried" he rambled

"shut up idiot" I laughed as I threw my self on top of him with a smile.

I was truly happy.

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