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This couldn't be happening. Why was everything going wrong? How come I could never get a break? And look at me now. Trying to get away from a creepy grown man.

I knew I only had one chance. I needed to save myself.

This wasn't just a nightmare.

I let out a loud and horrific scream as I began running off down the pink hallways in hopes I could either get someone's attention or get away from the man and hope I never run into him again.

The sounds of my heart beating and my feet hitting the ground were covered up by the sound of feet moving behind me.

I knew the man was coming.

I picked up the pace. The only thing that crossed my mind was how close he was and how I needed to get away.

Being safe would be something I would never take for granted again. If I ever made it out of this hotel I would change my whole life around. I would actually be nice. Maybe I would babysit or something.

I kind of just wanted to be a basic teenager. From the movies of course. I would be a babysitter and Dog Walker. I would also have no clue what I would want in life so I'd just be a vet. Somehow I would also manage to make a large group of friends that secretly hate each other.


"help" I shouted as my thought of what could happen got darker. What would he do to me? Would I survive? How comes no one was helping me?

Everyone seemed deaf. How could they not hear my loud shouts and screams? I was almost like I didn't even exist. Of course, no one could see me at the worst times.

The man started walking towards me much faster. I knew if he really wanted to he could have already caught me.

The look on his face was something I would never forget.

The was his lips went up in a smile as he watched me run down the hallway in terror. The terror that he had caused. I knew he enjoyed every moment. He enjoyed the look on my face as I turned around a countless amount of times in hopes he would just disappear. He enjoyed the loud screams that exited my mouth. He didn't care who would hear. He knew no one could hear.

His eyes shined as if this was the only activity that could make him truly happy. I wondered how many times he had done this before. I wondered how many people he hurt. I wondered how many people he had killed.

I wondered if I was next.

If I was next I knew that I would never forget the look in his eyes. I would die with that look imprinted in my mind. Even if I wasn't going to die that look would remain printed on my mind. It almost made me want to die.

He looked hungry. He looked starving.

His eyes looked dark and sinister as he walked towards me. I hoped he wasn't a cannibal. I didn't really want to go out like that.

I threw myself around the corner almost tripping myself in the process. My breath was heavy as I looked for a safe place but all I saw was pink covered walls and paintings of people who couldn't help me.


I really would die.

I wasn't afraid of dying but I was afraid of how I would die. Especially now.

This man looked like the type to torture me, cut off my skin and then maybe just maybe actually kill me. That was only if he was feeling generous of course.

All the thoughts that flooded my mind were becoming too much.

My legs wouldn't stop shaking at the thought of the fact that I could really die tonight.

My feet began moving faster but the mixture of my speed and trembling legs were enough to ruin everything.

My ankle bent. It felt like everything was in slow motion. My leg slowly tipped over and I lost control of myself.

I knew this would be it. This would be the moment I would do something stupid and die from it. It was almost applaudable. I had no clue how I managed to mess up that bad. I wondered if the stupid girls who fall in the movies also felt like I had. I literally the person I hated. To me, it was kinda funny.

I fell to the carpet. The soft, beautiful, and expansive carpet I wished I had more time to appreciate

I wished I had a lot more time to appreciate things. I would die hating everything. I should've been nicer to Kennedy. I also should've tried to actually educate my dad more. He really needed that.

My eyes instantly looked behind me in hopes that the man was far. The only thing that was far was the truth.

My eyes met with the real-life monster who had actually been terrorizing me. His smile grew even bigger as I lied there sprawled out on the ground.

He had looked like he was waiting for the moment I would mess up. He immediately started rushing over. His legs started moving faster as I laid there in shock.

Tears started falling down my face faster as the man came closer. He looked do hungry and I knew I would end up being the meal. He stared so menacingly. He was absolutely disgusting. Just the look on his face made me want to die.

As he got closer I realized just how much I hadn't known him. Everything about his face seemed wrong. He looked normal but at the same time, he also looked like a botched plastic surgery. His face looked like some pieces of a puzzle that didn't fit together.

I couldn't move. Of course. I had no control over myself.

I had been paralyzed

I had also been already dead.

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