Infected: WindStorm(Swift)Bow, Adora, more

Start from the beginning

"How did this happen?" Adora yelled out. 

"His tail brushed against it and it just happened in front of me!" Bow told her, still shaken. 

Glimmer paced nervously. "We have to find it!" 

The evil squirrel saw them and ran over. It bit Adora's shoe. "Hey!" She barked at the black and purple creature. 

Bow saw it and his went wide in shock. "Evil rodent!" He pulled out an arrow and Glimmer stopped him. 

"You can't kill it!" She said, "Shoo!" She waved her hands at the squirrel and followed it. 

"Guys, Swifty is circling us like a vulture." Adora said, looking up and concerned. 

Glimmer laughed. "I'm surprised you know what a vulture is." 

"Oh, the Horde keeps them in their private zoo." 

Bow's voice rose, "They have a zoo?" 

Glimmer elbowed him. "Trust me it's not one where you get to pet the animals." 

Bow very much agreed with that. Glimmer grabbed his arm and made him walk with her. They watched the squirrel crawl up a huge tree and into into hole. "Do you think it's up there?" 

The dark version of Swift Wind flew down in attack. She-Ra's sword was now a shield. He was sword fighting her with his horn. "Give it up, your Rebellion won't win." 

Glimmer forced sparkle bombs on the tree. The squirrel was so angry. It shook it's little fists at her. And then the tip of the purple tech shone into her eyes. She teleported, reached past the angry squirrel and grabbed it. 

She landed with an oof. "I hurt my knee." She told Bow. 

Swift Wind turned and ran for them. Glimmer teleported them away. 

Glimmer and Bow were with Adora now. The evil Swift Wind charged them. Glimmer teleported them to the outside of Bow's parent's house. 

Adora broke away. "We can't just leave Swift Wind out there!" 

Glimmer tried to break the tech, but it wouldn't budge. "Can you zap it with your sword?" 

"You can't run from me, She-Ra. We're still connected." Evil Swift Wind said and sent out a loud neigh. The sound was so loud that everyone covered their ears. 

Adora hated the fact that they were connected right now. 

The winged horse shoved them away and the piece of tech hit the ground. 

He grabbed it in his mouth and flew away. 

"Crap! He's heading for the Fright Zone!" Bow yelled out. 

Scorpia was outside talking to a few of the guards when the horse flew around the area. They all looked up. "Ooh pretty horsey!" She said and smiled up at it. 

Evil Swift Wind landed near them. The guards held up their guns. 

"No!" Scorpia cried out. "Put those things down!" The horse nodded at her. She saw what was in it's mouth. "For me?" She took it and looked at it. "This looks like something Entrapta would use." 

"I use to be She-Ra's steed now I work for you." His black eyes gleamed in dark happiness. "You can call me WindStorm. Keep that tech hidden somewhere. They are going to come and try to find it. Only fire can destroy it and this they do not know." 

Scorpia was thrilled. "I'll go hide it now!" She said and began to walk away. She heard WindStorm following her. "Uh, I don't know if you're allowed in here." 

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