Prologue: Death

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A/N disclaimer! I don't own anything except for my attack names and my OCs.

Hi, my name's Jared Robbins, but you can call me Red. That's what my friends call me. Now I'm going to give you a littl- no I was lying quite a bit of information about. I'm 16 years old, going on 17 and am heterosexual. I live in a three person house hold which concludes of me, my mum, and my sister. We work together to keep clothes on our backs, food in our stomachs, and a roof over our head. I was born in Japan, in the city of Tokyo, when I was 1 we moved to Nagoya because of my father's work. Now at the time I hadn't realized that my parents weren't on the best of terms. When I was around they seemed happy, perfectly content to let me be me. When my sister was born tensions between then grew worse. They would openly start yelling matches whenever they though we were asleep and not interact with each other during the day. Eventually my mom had enough, and left Nagoya, taking me and my sister back to her "hometown", New York City. Brooklyn to be exact. My mother had decided to enroll me a catholic prep school for kindergarten, and so for the next half a year until school started, she beat basic knowledge into my head (No not literally.). When I started the kindergarten everything went pretty normally from there... until 2nd grade at least.

When I entered second grade my mom decided to give my dad a second chance and had us move back to Japan. This meant that I had lost all contact with my friends and everything I had been doing was for nothing. I had to relearn almost everything as I was put into Japanese school. It was tough but I got through it. 1 year later, my dad is transferred to New York and we move back. Even though we had moved back all of my friends had either moved away, or had completely forgotten about me, so I was almost completely alone. Throughout this period tensions between my mother and my father would continue to escalate, and my condition would gradually worsen. As I was dealing with two parents who were too angry at each other, and too fo used on my younger sister to pay attention to my emotional needs. Bullying had become a fairly common thing at school, and my mom was particularly harsh with me when it came to most things. Because of this, I spiraled into depression. An overwhelming weight on my shoulders, the expectations of those around me. The numbing and biting cold, the jeers of others and feelings of loneliness and self loathing. The fires that scorched a heart that only wished to love, the heat of rage. It was an agonizing mix, one that very nearly crushed me... luckily I found a coping mechanism. Through video games, anime, and toys I could vent all of my emotions, it wasn't perfect, but it worked

When I was 12, about to enter middle school, my parents divorced and we began to struggle to meet our needs. We were lucky that my had bought a house while she was still working, but she had been retired for over 20 years, she could only work part time jobs, and she was making that much money. When I became 16 I began to work to pay for my own food, and coping so that my mom could focus on the needs of my self sister, and this is where we are now.

As you know, I veritably drowned myself in anime, video-games, and what not. So when comic-con came around I Had to go. Now with the measly amount of pocket money I had managed to save I had decided to buy a figure of Goku in SSJB that I could paint. I was going to use the figure to paint my own transformation that I had created using DB transformation logic. The reason I was doing this, as it was expensive, is because Dragon ball is one of my favorite anime of all time. I had grown up watching Dragon Ball GT, and I just fell in love. On the way home from comic-con I was across a street.
Turning to look at the noise, my eyes widen as I see a truck speeding towards me.
"Wha- CRASH"
Ya know... the sad part about this is... that I cared more about my spent money and the figure rather than my death.


Where... am I?
"Welcome to Purgatory child."
W-What!? Who's there?! How can you read my mind?
"I am God... and I have come to tell you that you died a bit too early... Ok I'm lying if I said a bit, you were supposed to die at the the of 110."
I see.
"You're acting rather calm for someone who's meeting god ya know?"
It's kind of hard to be surprised considering I literally felt myself die.
"B-But for all you know it could have been a dream!"
I really don't care. Why have you brought me here?
"Well... because you died so early, there is a Karmic imbalance, and it needs to be rectified. So in order to do this, I'm going to give you a second shot at life. You can choose to be reborn, into any universe you wish!"
Just one question... will I keep my memories?
"Yes. It is the least I could do."
Well then... Dragonball.
"Go ahead and thin- wait why the hell did you decide so fast?!"
I've wanted be a Saiyan since I was a kid. Figured this was my chance.
"Huh. Good thought process."
"I'll give you three wishes to go along with your reincarnation."
Hmmm... here are my wishes. I wish to be born to the same parents as Goku, have an infinite bag of Senzu Beans, and be born in the Year of 731.
"A pretty simple set of wishes, all of which are well within my realm of granting... now that this is done..."
God metaphorically snaps his fingers,
"It's time for you to reincarnate! Toodlelooo!"

<An Unknown Amount of Time later>

Why is it so wet... ah. Reincarnated. Right.

A/N Hey guys! The first Chapter has been checked for spelling errors!
I have remade this chapter from the ground up. Hope you like it.

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