Chapter 19:- The Pokeball

Start from the beginning

Seeing her Pokemon reunite with their friends made Serena jealous. She wasn't proud of it but she couldn't help it. Serena had always known about Pikachu's crush on Slyveon, she even secretly knew that Slyveon felt the same way. 

After all, who could ever resist a cute fur-ball full of optimism and energy. Suddenly Serena thought about Ash and escaped a quick glare.

Ash had noticed her glare, "Hey guys?" He said, "Why don't you go outside and explore? We have some talking to do?"

Knowing the gravity of the situation that his trainer was in, Pikachu quietly left along with the rest of the group.

 Serena sighed as she folded her arms and looked at Ash and Gary as if she was waiting for answers. "Well?" She said abruptly. "What did you want to talk about?"

Ash stood their dumb folded. He didn't know why he wanted to talk or about what. As mindless as it sounded, he wasn't even in control of himself when he said those few words. Subconsciously, he slipped his hands inside the pocket of his jacket as he made weird eye contact, "Um... I got grenjnja back."

A fake smile broke on her face. "Congratulations!" She chipped, "not that I care." She said in a grotesque voice.

Gary snickered, "Burn!" he tried to hi-fi Serena but she turned it down with her grimace.

"Seriously, Ash," She said. "What?"

Ash sighed as he rubbed his head, "I don't know, I guess I wanted to talk about-" us... he meant to say, however, little did he realize that there was no 'us', there wasn't one for years.

Serena frowned, "What?" She enforced. "Talk about what?"

Ash gave up, he couldn't bring himself to talk about his feelings. It was beyond his capability at the moment or any other moment he spent with Serena. "Nothing I guess," he said. "I'm just sorry."

Serena laughed as she clapped her hands, "For what? Let's see, for not talking to me for years or for ignoring me?"

Gary leaned against the cupboard, "That's fairly normal." He mumbled. "Girls don't call, why should we?"

Hearing him, Ash snapped his neck backward, "You slept with a hooker," he said. "Why would she call you back?"

Gary shrugged, "Because I'm awesome?"

Ash groaned as he turned to face Serena, who was staring at him like she was gonna devour him, head to toe. "You're not really pregnant, are you?" Ash asked much to his resentment.

Seriously? He thought to himself, Stop doing shit you don't want to!

As if the blonde wasn't already annoyed, Ash has incited her by pulling the pin of a grenade. Serena heaved a sigh as she reached for her empty Pokeball, she pushed its button and as soon as it expanded Serena threw it towards Ash.

"Asshole!" she yelled, accidentally straining her left wrist.

As soon as the raven-haired knew what was happening, he ducked and the ball accidentally hit the cupboard. The Pokeball knocked the cardboard box te drawer to the ground.

"Are you out of your mind?" Gary exclaimed as he helped Ash up, "he could've had a serious concussion."

Serena snorted as she caressed her wrist, "As if I didn't already know!"

The Pokeball harmlessly sprang back to the owner. Ash muttered a few words of distress as he got up, "You knocked down cardboard!" he said. "What if it contained something valuable? I heard a breaking sound."

Serena rolled her eyes, "If it was valuable, it would've been on display just like everything else in here."

Gary snorted as he bent down, he grabbed the cardboard by its ends and lifted it off the ground. A bunch of black video cassettes fell down in a rush, like water in the waterfall. "I take back my words," Ash said as he bent down to examine them.

The cassettes were covered in a black box, they were almost twenty to twenty-five in number, each had a strip of plain white paper attached to them. Ash picked one up and examined it up close. "It's a video cassette," he deduced.

"No shit," Gary answered. "I'm so glad you threw a poke ball at him."

Ash groaned, "Why are we even friends?"

Gary laughed as he swarmed his arm around his shoulders. "Because Ashy boy, without me, you'll die of loneliness."

"Are you sure it's not the other way around?"

Gary punched Ash's shoulder, "You're damn right it is."

Just then, Dawn came running in. "Is the water line fixed?" she subconsciously came while yelling, "Mother is the- and this isn't the supply room."

Ash sighed, "The ways are really confusing. Isn't it, Gary?"

He looked towards the brunet expecting a witty remark, but to his blow, he didn't reply. Gary simply nodded and looked down, suddenly being more interested in the cassette.

Dawn had noticed it, she rolled her eyes and walked in towards the room. "What are you doing?" she asked as she sat near Serena.

Before Ash could speak, Serena said, "Just a bunch of cassettes fell down."

Dawn bobbed her head as she tied a rubbed around her long blue hair. She looked around the room wearing an awestricken expression and exclaimed, "Woah, it's even cooler than Stella's new line."

Serena hummed while batting her eyelashes, "Tell me about it."

Dawn and Serena shared their first fist bump while Ash and Gary started putting the cassettes back in their box. "You do the climbing," Gary said. "I seem to have broken my ankle."

Ash raised an eyebrow as he lifted the box up, he wasn't intending to put them back on the shelf. Not because it was towering high and he couldn't possibly reach it, but because after seeing a little J-R labeled on the corner of one of the cassettes, his curiosity aroused. He knew that JR was the initial of his father, James Raider. If the tapes did, in fact, contain his father, it wouldn't hurt to know what type of person he was. Especially since he was dead and Ash practically knew nothing about him.

"The tapes probably have videos of our parents," Ash said. "Who said anything about putting them back?"

For a split second there, Ash was actually happy that Serena attempted to hit her with a Pokeball.

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