Chapter Six

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Saffi’s POV:

It was cute how Harry walked up to her and spun her round so she was facing him and looked in her eyes when he asked her to swap numbers their eyes were locked together and they were not talking just staring at each other.

Ellie? I said to my best friend who was still staring in Harry's eyes.

Ellie? She still isn’t answering me?

ELLIE! I shouted she jumped and shakes her said. Everyone giggled even Harry.

Sorry what did you say? I got lost. Ellie laughed slightly Harry nodded in agreement and laughed.

Yeah got lost in Harry’s eyes. I said to Ellie.

Well it wasn’t my fault have you seen his eyes? She blushed and covered her face and Harry got her hands and removed them from her face.

You don’t need to hide your face it's cute when you blush. Harry told Ellie and she blushed more and hide her face in harry shoulder and Harry put his arms around her, hugged her and you could just about hear him whispering to her.

You now if you wanted a hug you could have asked. Harry whispered to her and she chuckled and pulled away from the hug.

I was hiding my face because you keep making me blush. Ellie said seriously and Harry laughed.

Ellie’s dads POV:

I couldn’t help but smile when they were too busy to look into each other’s eyes to hear Saffi talking… Harry had a small smile like he didn’t want us to notice so he keep it small but I noticed when Saffi shouted to Ellie she jumped away and shacked her head and said she was lost in Harry’s eyes and Harry looked so happy when she said that and he laughed.

Harry, Ellie you didn’t get around to swapping numbers? I laughed.

Oh yeah I remember now, its honestly not my fault I got lost in his eyes they are just so… uh anyway Harry swaps phones and type each other’s numbers in them. Ellie said with a smile, they swapped phones and numbers and handed their phones back to each other.

Louis POV:

They obviously like each other they were just staring into each other’s eyes… I know we all know Ellie likes Harry but the other lads didn’t pick up on  how Harry acted when they first each other at the airport and what he said to me, they look so cute together I just wonder if and when he will ask her out on a date? He better to do soon before it’s too late.

Zayn’s POV:

Harry so likes her! I can see why though she is really pretty but not really my type she is so Harry’s type its cute how she is a bit shorter than Harry and he looks down at her and she looks up at him and they both have smiles on their faces. Ellie’s dad can see that they like each other as well or he knows how much his daughter likes Harry and is helping her and he does seem like the kind of dad who would do that he wore that shirt for her and came up with the plan to actually go inside the airport and act normal to be able to see us properly and that is risky because the airport security wouldn’t be happy if they found out but he obviously cares about her a lot, and you can tell her best friend Saffi knows she likes him a lot and that Harry likes Ellie as well.

Harry’s POV:

I couldn’t help myself but look into her eyes and she stared back into mine which made me like her even more we both forgot about the others around us and just looked into each other’s eyes I tried so hard to not smile but it failed and a smile was placed on my lips and I don’t know if Ellie had noticed or not but she smiled a few seconds after I did, she ended up jumped out of the moment because Saffi was calling her name Ellie shakes her head I laughed at how cute she looked I don’t want to leave her just yet so what can I do?

Hey guys want to join me and the boys for lunch? I said to Ellie, Saffi and Ellie’s dad the boys looked confused apart from Louis who had a creepy smile on his face and winked at me.

Errm sure if that’s ok with dad and Saffi? Ellie smiled at turn to her dad and Saffi for an answer.

Sounds amazing to me! Saffi said happily.

Fine with me. Ellie’s dad replied. Yes now I can spend more time with her I smiled.

What’s that smile for Hazza? Louis said with a wink damn it Louis! Why did he have to say that.

Oh nothing where shall we go for lunch? I said changing the subject.

  All the guys said ‘I don’t know’ ‘I don’t mind’ ‘where as long as its food’ that’s Niall for you.

You guys are helpful. Ellie where would you like to go? I asked Ellie because she would give me a straight answer I now she will.

How about pizza hut? I fancy pizza I love pizza! she said excitedly.

Got that right all you ever want is pizza its yours and Saffis favourite meal just normal cheese pizzas. Ellie’s dad said laughing.

And? Best friends are aloud favourite meals and normal cheese pizza what’s wrong with that? Ellie ask with a questioning look whilst giggling.

Really Ellie plain cheese pizza? I asked her laughing.

Harry it’s not plain! It has a flavour cheese has a taste so does the source! She hit playfully hit me on my chest and laughed.

Well I think it’s boring but whatever you like. I said jokily and she laughs.

Come on guys lets go you guys can come in out van there is enough space that way. I said and we all headed to the van Louis pulls my wrist and slows me down so we were at the back.

You guys so like each other! Get in Harry! Louis whispers to me.

 Don’t say get in Louis you make it sound like I am using her when I am not. I said to him a sighed.

I know I never said you will use her I can see you really like her Haz I am not blind and why did you sigh like that? Louis said seriously.

I do really like her I honestly didn’t think I will see her again after the airport and now I have I really like her and because I don’t know if she likes me like that she might not want to date me. I sigh again.

Are you serious Harry! Don’t be so stupid! Louis shouts

Louis shut up! They will hear! I said to him with an annoyed tone.

Sorry, but she so liked you a lot you saw her dads shirt she asked him to wear it and its obvious she wants to date you so don’t be stupid do your thing flirt and ask her out on a date and see how things go. Louis said it’s not like him to be so serious but when it comes to stuff like this he is really supportive and caring.

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