Chapter Sixty Three

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Don't blame yourself. Ellie's quite voice made my eyes wide.

Oh god, Ellie. I said staring at her in shook and she slightly smiled.

I'm so sorry. I said not helping the tears falling down my cheeks.

Come hug me. She ordered and lightly smiled.

You're not going to hurt me. She whispered into my ear.

I don't want to risk it... I've done enough. I sighed.

Harry, I choose to jump infront of you, stop blaming yourself, please. She pouted.

I love you. I kissed her smiling when she didn't push me away.

I love you. She whispered against my lips and I grinned.

You do? 

Stop grinning like an idiot, of course I do. She ran her hands through my hair.

I want to go home. She said against my neck.

You will in a few days. 

I want you. She whispered.

I want you too. 

I mean, I want you. She whispered back and I pulled away to look at her.

You mean... I said nodding my head and she hid her face nodding.

Gorgeous, you won't be able todo that anytime soon. I pointed out.

I could... She argued.

Baby... I smiled kissing her.

Don't be silly. I rubbed our noses together.

Do you not want to? She lifted her eyebrows.

Of course I do, when you're better. I smiled.

I'm not ill. She poked my dimple which was showing because of my cheeky smile.

With that. I said pointing to her side.

You won't be able to move... I smirked.

I don't think you'd be able to stay still. I whispered into her ear my lips touching it.

Shhh. She said kissing me.

 Tease. I said moving away from her and she frowned making me laugh.

I cannot wait to ''be better''. She smirked.

Neither can I. I sat down beside her and she giggled.

Something bothering you? She asked.

Something in my boxers, actually. I said awkwardly and she laughed.

Don't be stupid.

I'm being serious, the thought of it... I smirked.

Shut up. She blushed

Thought you wanted it? I joked.


I told you I'd get the for you. I told Ellie reaching up to get her a cup.

Harry my hip is fine now. She complains.

It's not.

Harry seriously you do my head in. 

Good. I smirked.

I need to keep you on your toes gorgeous. I kissed her cheek.

More like I need to keep you on your toes. She smirked.

No, I'm all yours. I said slowly so she'd understand completely.

And I'm all yours. She replied moving towards me and standing on her tip toes to kiss me.

Good. I kiss her back.

Ellie, you're not able todo that yet. I removed her hands from under my shirt.

But I am. She kissed my neck, fuck.

Ellie, you need another week or two atleast. I kissed her forehead.

Fine. She shrugged and turned around to make her hot chocolate.

El. I frowned behind her.

Don't be like this. I sat on the kitchen counter.

Don't sit on that. She smacked my leg and I laughed.

I'll get the blanket. She said bluntly walking away.

It is freezing. I said to myself taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

Make your own. Ellie called behind me and coming up to me and taking her hot chocolate away from me.

I don't want her to be in a mood with me, to be honest I know she is able todo it I just want to be extra sure she wont get hurt if she moves to much, I don't want to be the reason she gets hurt, again.

My mind goes back to all the times I've hurt her making me frown, she didn't deserve any of it.

I walked into the living room and saw Ellie wrapped up in the blanket and I smiled.

My I join you? I asked awkwardly not knowing if she wanted me around.

Sure. She shrugged.

Good I was going to anyway. I poked her head.

What shall we watch? She asked.

What about Marley And Me? Remember the last time we watched it? I smiled kissing her hand.

I put Marley And Me into the DVD player and turned it on.

Now you're crying too. She smirked at me.

Shut up. I said putting my head in her neck.

You big baby. She joked and I kissed her neck.

You said I wasn't ready todo that. She pulled my head away.

I know, I'm not saying we should. I smirked kissing her.

You're basically asking for it. She kissed my neck.

So are you. I replied.

I was asking for it 2 weeks ago. She stated.

Alright, alright. I laughed.

Tonight has been perfect. I smiled at her.

Expecially because we watched Marley And Me, brings back memories. She smiled.

I love you. I kissed her.

I love you too. She kissed me.




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