Chapter Forty Seven

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Harry's POV

I packed a bag and hopped into my car and hit the road.

 I stepped up to the front door and sighed when I noticed I had left the key at home.

I knocked on the door lazily.

Why didn't you use your key? My mother questioned when she opened the door.

Nice to see you too mum... I trailed off and she laughed.

Sorry, welcome home. She smiled and stepped back letting me in and I smiled.

It's good to have you here Harry. She smiled at me.

It's good to be here too mum. I nodded in agreement.

Really? Or is it good to be here because you're not at home where Ellie and you stay. She said seriosuly and I groaned.

Both I guess. I said quietly.

So what happened? She asked softly.

I haven't been here for ages. I said randomly.

harry don't change the subject. She pleaded.

I don't want to talk about it. I sighed.

But everything was going fine, perfect infact, how can it get so bad in a day? She said clearly confused.

Fuck, I'm such an idiot. I groaned and walk up to my room.

Ellie's POv

Honey are you ok? My dad says walking into my room.

Of course i'm not. I uttered.

want to talk about it? He continued.

No. I simply spoke and he sighs.

I am here if you need me Ellie. I he walking out the room.

Food I said to myself and got out of the bed and walked downstairs.

 My nan and dads eyes were on my when I walked into the living room and I stopped.

Yes? I asked.

Nothing. They both said at the same time and looked at eachother straight after.

What you up to? My nan said.

Getting some food. I said clearly walking to the kitchen.

Their is ice cream in th freezer. She shouted after me.

I don't know what I fancy eating but I want to eat.

I will go out to eat I suppose fresh air would be good.

I went back upstairs getting confused looks because I was carrying no food.

When I came back down I was fully dressed in one of Harry's jumpers and skinny jeans.

I don't know why I wore his jumper it's just comfy.

Although I probably shouldn't wear it I am.

I could tell by the way my nan was looking at me she why unsure how to react when she saw I was wearing his jumper.

My dad was just staring at it in shook I suppose.

I am going out for food... I said uneasily.

Want a ride? Dad asked.

No, no I am fine, I could od with some fresh air. I slightly smiled.

On the way down the hill I got my phone out and went on twitter. 

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