Chapter Fifteen

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Heyy guys! I am soooooooooo sorry this is so late! But I made it really long for you :) I promise to update more often :)

Please follow me guys? :)


Harry’s POV:

The fact Ellie thought this situation was funny as well was amazing the fact she doesn’t take things seriously and loves a laugh makes me like her even more.

Why are you laughing Ellie? Ellie’s nan walks into the kitchen and sees me and Ellie laughing and smiles.

Oh Ellie seriously you can’t even bake cakes without messing around? Her Nan smiles.

You know me Nan I love a laugh and it wasn’t my fault anyway! Ellie said and looked at me.

Hey, it’s not my fault I just had to do it to make it more fun? I said smiling.

Well you are going to fit in here perfectly! Her Nan said looking at me.

So what’s your name? she asked me.

Harry, Harry Styles. I said smiling.

Wait from that boy band Ellie loves One Direction? He asks shocked.

Yes that’s me. I smiled.

So Ellie’s dream has come true dating Harry styles. I could only think of how Ellie is going to react on that comment.

Nan we are not dating! She says looking at her Nan.

Of course not sweetie. Her Nan replies smiling, I couldn’t help but smile and I think her Nan has noticed that I like her granddaughter.

What do you mean by that Nan. Ellie asks her Nan.

Well it is so clear you guys like each other. She said simply and walked out the room and Ellie looked at me.

You could have helped me out Harry. He said seriously.

But why? I liked what she was saying. I said smiling and she blushed.

That’s not the point she thinks we are like secretly dating. I laughed when she said that.

No she doesn’t she just knows we both like each other don’t be silly. I said and I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back.

I knew it. Her Nan says walking into the kitchen with Ellie’s dad behind her Ellie pulled away from the hug as soon as she heard her Nans voice.

Sorry to interrupt I just thought I would clean the kitchen up after you guys had a little food fight. Ellies nan said smiling.

You didn’t interrupt anything and thank you. Ellie said and started to walked out the kitchen but I lightly grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug.

But your lovely Nan did interrupt something. I said cheekily and Ellie’s Nan laughed. 

Harry stop messing about it was just a friendly hug. Ellie said sternly.

It wasn’t to me. I said smiling and he nodded her head laughing.

Ellie don’t be mean to Harry he just wanted to hug you! Ellie’s Nan teases her wow her Nan is awesome.

Nan doesn’t encourage him! Ellie laughed.

Ellie’s POV:

Well I am going to brush this flour out of my hair Harry do you want to sort your curls out? I asked Harry laughing whilst he rolled his eyes.

getting to know One Direction...Harry Styles?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ