Chapter Forty Two

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Niall's POV

Harry what the fuck just happened. I shouted at Harry as soon as he reached me.

I don't know she just kissed me. He shouted angrily.

WHAT. I said annoyed and I could see him sigh.

Harry you promised her that you wouldn't let anyone hurt her again and what do YOU do? YOU GO AND FUCKING HURT HER YOURSELF. I shouted and ran off to catch up with Ellie before she completely disapeared.

I turned around quickly and saw Harry a few steps away from me and I stopped.

Harry just go back inside. If she see's you she will just run off again. I said calmly and ran off to find her.

I stopped running and sighed. I don't know where she could be. 

Sighing to myself I sat down on the path and lent on the wall trying to think.

I look infront of me and I saw her, leaning on a tree cuddling her legs.

I shot up and ran over to her.

Ellie. I whispered in to her ear.

N-Niall why. She whispered.

I don't know El. I said lifting up her chin and whipped away the tears on her cheeks.

He said she kissed him though El, so it isn't his fault? I said awkwardly.

But what if he let her. She said lightly.

I don't think he did... I trailed off.

So I'm just being a drama queen? She groaned.

No, No of course not you have every right to be hurt, just do whatever you think is best?

Can you take me to your place? You don't have to stay with me I just want to be inside somewhere where I won't see him. She said honestly.

Of course you can El. I smiled and helped her up and walked us all the way back to my car.

At Niall's house 

The spare room is up the hall first room on the left. I smiled at her.

Ok, do you mind if I have a shower? She said looking down awkwardly and I picked up and pillow and threw it at her and laughed.

Stop being so awkward you idiot, of course you can. I smiled and she laughed.

Don't hit me with a pillow. She laughed.

Oops? I shrugged.

Well I'm going for a shower see you whenever. She smiled and walked away.

Oh and thanks... again. She smiled and walked off again and I laughed.

I got a bag of crisps and switched of the tv.

I thought you would of went back to the club? I heard Ellie's voice say behind me.

Nope, I want to keep you company. I smiled and tapped the space next to me for her to sit down.

Sorry for ruining your night... She said and her eyebrows crunched up.

You haven't ruined it stupid. I laughed. 

NIALL stop calling me names you idiot. She said pouting and I laughed.

Now who is calling me names. I joked.

What are you watching? She said turning to the tv.

I have no idea? I laughed slightly.

Is it good? She said still looking at the tv.

I don't know I was mainly of twitter... I laughed.

Sounds about right. She muttered and I threw a pillow at her.

I told you not to do that! She screamed and she threw it back at me and it hit me in the face.

Ouch that hurt. I joked and she gave me the evils.

I'm hungry. She said and went into the kitchen and searched around for food.

FINALLY MADE YOURSELF AT HOME EH? I shouted to her and I heard her laugh.

You have no foooooooooooooood. Ellie came in saying flopping herself down on the sofa and I laughed.

Wanna order something? I said smiling.

Chinese? She replied smiling.

Sure! What do you want? I said having my phone in my hands ready to dial the number.

Chicken fried rice for me I don't want too much. She laughed.

Can the food hurry up. I complained an dshe laughed.

Niall it has been 10 minutes. Ellie stated.

But... I said but didn't know what else to say and she laughed.

This is so good. Ellie said eating her chicken fried rice. I nodded in agreement.

We both collapsed back on to the sofa because we were stuffed.

I'm going pee. Ellie said a walked off to the toilet.

I walked into the kitchen and got myself a class of coke and then sat back on to the sofa.

I took a sip of coke.

OH MY GOD NIALL!!! I heard Ellie scream and I almost spat my drink out laughing.

I quickly swallowed my mouthful of coke and let out my laugh.

I walked up stairs to see why she was screaming and she was stood outside the spare room she was staying in looking like she'd seen a ghost I laughed again.

Oh god El. I laughed and she pouted.

What's happened? I said quitely so I didn't laugh.

Their is a spider in the bathroom. She whispered and I laughed and she hit my arm.

Sorry. I shouted jokily.

I walked through the bedroom and into the bathroom Ellie following close behind.

I froze when I heard thumps coming up the stairs.

Who is that. Ellie whispered.

I don't know. I whispered back.

And she quickly hugged me for dear life because she was scared.



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