Chapter 92- Pushing Through

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Jasmine’s P.O.V.

Finally, I heard that oh-so-familiar beating. My heartbeat was back again.

“She’s breathing again.” A doctor announced, but all sounds were muffled in my ears. “Someone, go tell her friends and family that she’s alive!” he demanded the nurses.

My eyes fluttered open, but my vision was still very blurred. I moved my eyeballs back and forth, trying to focus on anything.

“Jasmine, can you hear me?” The same doctor asked me. “Jasmine?” He shone a small light in my eyes.

I could hear him, I just couldn’t respond.

“She’s in shock.” He declared. “Jasmine, this is going to hurt, but it will get you out of here alive.”

I prepared myself for the worst. Nothing could be more painful than the pain I was in now from the bullet.

He started performing CPR. He pressed down, hard, on my stomach near my ribcage; right where the bullet went through.

I guess I was wrong; that hurt a million times worse than the bullet. I tried screaming, but all the air was cut off in my throat.

I gasped, trying to take in a deep breath, and then it happened.

A scream that sounded like bloody murder escaped my lips. It might as well have been murder, though; it was just as painful.

I panted and panted, letting my lungs indulge the sweet, sweet air.

The doctor stopped his procedure, and as quickly as he could, he wrapped my torso in bandages.

“You’re doing amazing, Jasmine.” A female doctor assured me. “Just keep pushing through.”

I drew sharp breaths in and out repeatedly.

“We just got the bullet out and you’re alive. Great job, honey.” She smiled.

It still hurt like hell, but I was alive.

“Where- where’s Niall?” I asked in between heavy breaths.

He must be freaking out right now.

“Don’t worry; he’s in the waiting room with the rest of your friends. We just need to keep you in the hospital for a few days while you heal.”

“I need to see him.” I stated hoarsely.

“Not now, sweetheart. As soon as we get you into your room, he’ll visit you. He hasn’t left for 10 hours.”

“Please hurry. I need to see him as soon as possible.”

She nodded understandingly.

I made it out alive. I made it out alive! Now I can see everyone else, including my love. I closed my eyes and I prayed silently, thanking God. When I finished, I opened my eyes.

“Let’s get to your room now, then.” The male doctor gave me a small smile. He pushed my hospital bed through the halls, until we finally got into an room.


I was resting in my room, which I've only been in for about half an hour. Then, there was a knock on the door.

A female nurse peeked her head through the door. "Jasmine," she started, "there's someone here to see you." She closed the door, but it soon opened again, revealing my visitor.

It was Niall.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. But Jasmine is alive! She's alive!!!! *says like Dr. Frankenstein* Tell me your thoughts about the story so far. I'm open to ideas! What do you want more of? Do you want more drama? Is it too much? Whose point of view do you want? Please leave comments, fan, and vote!!! Tanks! *says like Niall* xx

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