Chapter 60- Caught Red-Handed (Literally)

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We sat back down and handed everyone their orders.

When I handed Harry his, he grabbed my hand and looked it over.

“Is this blood?” He asked.

I looked down and saw that there was blood from when I punched Danielle.

The guys, Gaby, and Eleanor crowded around, gluing their eys to my hand.

“Um, no.” I lied, wiping it off on a napkin.

“Yes it is! What Happened?” Zayn demanded.

I looked at everyone’s faces; they all had worried expressions.

“Fine,” I huffed. “We saw Danielle at the snack bar and we got into a huge argument.” I looked over at Liam, who was looking at me intensely.

“And? What happened?” Liam surged me to continue.

“Well, she slapped me, and-” Louis cut me off.

“She slapped you? Why?” He almost shouted, getting angry.

I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing the exact answer. “Anyways, I punched her in the face and her nose started bleeding." I brushed it off like it was nothing.

“Well, I guess you really can beat up Danielle.” Liam stated, laughing.

“I told you!” I teased, sticking my tongue out at him and Niall.

“So you cold-cocked her?” Gaby asked, smiling.

I nodded proudly. “Yup."

She gave me a tight squeeze. "I'm proud to call you my cousin," she giggled.

I laughed. "I know," I joked. "I’ll be back. I need to wash the blood off my hands. It’s not very attractive.” I said humorously.

Everyone laughed.

I quickly went to the bathroom and washed my hands, getting all of that slut's DNA off of me. soon, I came back and sat next to Niall, as if nothing happened.

“So, how’d it feel to punch Danielle?” Eleanor asked, sitting by me. “Ever since I’ve heard what she’s done, I’ve wanted to punch her myself; I’m not going to lie.”

I giggled. “It actually felt really good. After she called Niall ‘babe’ and ‘sweetheart’ and then she slapped me, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I’m usually against violence but this really just got to me.”

“You’d better watch out, Niall. This girl’s got some kung fu skills. Don’t hurt her.” Eleanor joked.

“Don’t worry, I won’t. She’s my love.” He stated, picking me up from my seat and putting me in his lap.

“Aw. You guys are so sweet!” She cooed.

“We try,” I said, giggling.

She laughed as well. “Well, I should be getting back to Louis.” She started getting up.

“Ok, see you later, El.” I smiled warmly.

“Jasmine, you really are my one and only love. You know that don’t you?” Niall said once Eleanor left. He pressed his forehead against mine and his warm breath fanned over my face.

“I know that. You’re my love, too. I love you more than anything. Even my stuffed teddy bear.”

He laughed. “You mean the teddy bear I bought you while you were in the hospital?"

I giggled. “Yes, that one. His name is Chubbs.”

“Well, Chubbs and I have something in common; we both love you very much.”

“I love you both, too. You know what else you two have in common?” I asked.

“What is that?”

“You’re both really cuddly.” I grinned, burying my face in his chest.

“Well, I need to talk to Chubbs. He might be stealing my girl away from me.

“Never.” I kissed him lightly and pulled away after a moment. “I love you.” The way I said it this time was different than all the other times we've said it in the last few minutes. Anyone could see that I truly meant this with all my heart.

“I love you, too. So, so much, babe.” He whispered.

I could tell that he meant what he said too.

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