Chapter 1- Beach Surprises

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“Hey Gaby,” I called out to my cousin in her room as I stood at the top of the stairwell. “Do you want to go to the beach today?”

“Yeah!! Let’s get our stuff and go,” she called back to me.

I was so excited that we had so much freedom now that my family has left for my sister, Isabelle’s softball tournament. My little cousin, Alison, also went along because she and my sister are practically joined at the hip. So it was just Gaby and me in the house, and we were enjoying every minute of our independence!

I strolled into my room looking for a something to wear. I finally decided on a cute beach outfit (picture at the right), and let my brown-blonde hair fall naturally over my shoulders.


“Gaby, I’m so excited to go to the One Direction concert this weekend!” I said to her from the passenger seat.

“I know!! I hope we get to meet Harry!!” She said in a day-dreamy sort of way.

I giggled. “Yeah I hope so too. Although I wouldn’t mind meeting the rest of the boys either,” I said. I knew that Harry was Gaby's favorite member of One Direction.

We had front row seats and were hoping to win a contest on the radio to win backstage passes to meet them. We were so pumped!

“We’re here!!” I yelled.

“Let’s go!!!” she screamed back at me.

If you hadn't noticed, we're a crazy couple of people. We may be cousins, but we might as well be sisters.


After laying our beach towels out and settling in, we decided to go into the water for a little bit. I dipped my toes in the warm salt water and felt the slight breeze blow my hair back and off of my shoulders.

The beach was pretty empty here because it was 4th of July so everyone was probably at home, barbecuing with family or something. We didn't stay in the water long because some immature guys were splashing us in the face so we just relaxed on our towels. I was so calm, just enjoying my day, until I felt a hard pressure in the back of my head.

“Jeez,” I cried out.

I glanced around to see what it was; probably a stupid bird flying, trying to get all up in my business! Then, I saw a soccer ball next to me, which only lead me to assume that that's what hit me in the head (not some psychotic bird)

“Sorry, Love” I heard a thick British accent say... Wait. I've heard this accent before. I looked up to see who the voice belonged to and saw… Louis Tomlinson?! Oh. My. God. I used every bit of strength inside of me to stop myself from fangirling.

“I-I-it’s OK.” I managed to say. “You’re Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, right?”

“You know our music?”

“Yeah. I’m Jasmine. I’m a huge fan!” I said, giving Louis a genuine smile.

“Well thank you. We are always so happy to meet fans. Do you have tickets to our show this weekend?” He asked me.

“Yes I do. I’m actually trying to win tickets from a radio station for backstage passes for my cousin, Gaby, and me.” I said gesturing to Gaby who was too busy listening to her iPod to even notice that I was talking to anyone. "We were so looking foward to meeting you guys and look, here I am, talking to you!" I joked.

Louis chuckled.

Gaby then started snapping her fingers and humming along to her music. I lightly kicked the soccer ball to her, playfully bumping her hand with it. She looked up at me with wide brown eyes, seeing Louis.

“You’re… You’re… You’re Louis Tomlinson!” Gaby said in shock and awe.

“Yes, pleased to meet you, Love.” He said sweetly. He turned his attention back to me and said, “Don’t worry about calling the radio; just give them your names and I'll make sure they let you in. Here, follow me, I'll take you to meet the other lads! Would you mind bringing back the football?” he asked, already jogging towards the other boys.

"No problem," I said, picking up the soccer ball.

He took us to a more private part of the beach where I saw the rest of One Direction. I stopped dead in my tracks. “Come on, Jasmine” Louis said still walking ahead.

I was so nervous to meet them. What if they think I’m just a weird fan; like some kind of psycho trying to stalk them wherever they go? I conflicted with myself. Jasmine, stop. You're being ridiculous. You're going. I started walking towards Louis, still trailing behind, though. So what if they think I'm weird? They're only the biggest boy band in the world, but they're just regular guys. Talented, crazily good looking, regular guys.

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