Chapter 8- Bad Weather

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As we drove along some quiet streets, lit only by streetlamps, I realized that we were in my hometown. I've been spending so much time at Gaby's house in Chicago, I almost forgot what my house looked like. “Hey, I live pretty close to here; do you just want to spend the night at my house? I asked.

“Sure. Is that ok with you guys?” Gaby asked the lads.

“Sure. We could do that,” Niall answered for the rest of the boys.

“Ok then.” I said, smiling. I'm actually pretty psyched to go back home. I miss my bed so much.

We drove for a few more minutes until we pulled up to the familiar brick commorancy. (picture of the house at the right)

“Ok, well, someone can sleep in my sister's room and someone else can sleep in my little brother's room... that is, if you don't mind race cars." I giggled. "Someone can sleep in my room, someone can sleep in the guest bedroom, and the other person can go in my parents’ bedroom. Is that ok, guys?” I asked, making the sleeping arrangements. They all nodded.

“Ok, Louis will get Jasmine’s bed, Harry in the guest bedroom, Zayn in Jasmine’s sister’s room, and Niall, you can sleep in her parent’s room. Alright?” Liam said. "I get Her brother's room because I like race cars." he said humorously.

“Ok, and Jazz and I will sleep on the couches. Wake us if you need anything.” Gaby said.

I went upstairs and took a shower and put on my pajamas (external link) and brushed my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw Niall on the couch, watching the episode of Saturday Night Live where One Direction was the musical guest. I laughed and went to go sit on the couch next to him. Everyone must have already been sleeping and Gaby was sleeping on the other couch.

“If you’re uncomfortable sleeping on the couch, I can sleep here.” Niall offered me in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake up Gaby.

“No it’s fine. I’ll be ok. Thanks, though.”

“Ok, but if you need anything, just wake me, ok?”


He gave me a friendly side hug, and with that, he went upstairs to go to sleep.

I was startong to fall into a very deep sleep until I heard a smashing clatter of thunder. I absolutely dread thunder. I buried my face in my pillow, as if I could make the rumbling sound away. Then another enormous crack of thunder came. I ran upstairs and into my parent’s room. There, I saw Niall sleeping. I gently poked his shoulder. “Niall.” I said, with slight fear in my voice. I didn't even know what I was doing, I was just scared senseless.

He shifted around, until finally, his eyes opened and focused on my face. He sat up. “Is something wrong?” Niall asked.

I looked at the ground. Sheepishly, I said “I’m scared of the thunder.” He then looked at me, and moved over. He patted the empty space next to him, indicating he wanted me to lay down there.

“Thank you, Niall.” I said.

Another loud crack of thunder occurred outside. I flinched and hid under the covers.

Niall then grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back so my back was pressed against his broad chest.

I buried my face into the crook of his neck and immediately felt safer.

He was tracing lazy patterns on my lower back, which was soothing.

Soon, my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier with every blink and each passing second. Eventually, they felt like weights that couldn't be lifted, and they fully closed. Next thing I know, I’m asleep.

A/N: I really am scared of thunder. LOL! I thought this chapter was really sweet, and I love how caring Niall is towards the character. Anyways, Love you!     XX   ;D

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