Chapter 29

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I didn't expect anything to come close to the pleasure of killing, until my experience with Tyler. I never thought he'd be so good at it. I didn't think he'd be worthy of my time, yet I have a strong sense that he will fulfill my desires at will now. He will do anything for me, and I need people to enslave, just like Wyatt does. Everyone loves everything about Wyatt, but I will lead my own force. First Tyler, then the boy who can fly. The animal girl seems like a burden, and her friend seems to be Wyatt's pet. Dove is a threat to my power, but if I can get her support, then I won't have a problem with eliminating Wyatt.

Do you want to have power, my dear Kali?

"Oh, Dove," I look around to find her, surprised that she is not here. "Everyone wants power. I'm just-" She blocks my train of thought, which slightly angers me.

There is no reason for you to make excuses. I am simply here to make you an offer.

"And where exactly is here?" I ask, desperate to know where she is.

Your head. I'm not on Island Seven anymore. I only exist by thoughts now. If you give your mind to me, I will give you more power than you could possibly dream for.

I think for a moment. It seems sketchy, almost too good to be true. "What exactly must I do for you then?"

All you must do is submit to my will, accomplish my goals, and worship me as your goddess.

I laugh hysterically. "You think you are my goddess? You are a pathetic little girl. What can you possibly do?"

The entire forest goes silent. Not just quiet, but absolutely void of all sound. I look down, and find myself five meters off the ground.

You see, Kali. Emotion is what truly gives me power. Anger makes me a demon. One of your worst nightmares. The one person you don't want against you.

I am suddenly pushed back by an unseen force so quickly I almost pass out. I feel the tree snap behind me, and see splinters fly in every direction. I look down to see a branch sticking through my thigh.

Surprised, I look around, and notice that I would be halfway up the tree if it hadn't fallen down. My back lays roughly on the tree, and I'm balancing precariously on the wide trunk. I sit up, then pull my leg off the broken branch. I see blood flow from my wound, and my anger turns to joy. My eyesight begins to turn red, and the world turns magical. The wound starts to heal itself. The blood finds its way back into the wound, and rapidly returns to normal.

I look around, everything seemingly back to normal. Dove's presence is still clearly here. "My goddess," I sarcastically announce, while giggling to myself from the pleasure of seeing the blood. "Your wish is my command."

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