Chapter 12

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I lay Vivi down on the cave's floor, and immediately notice how uncomfortable the ground will be to sleep on. I leave the cave for only a few minutes and return with an armful of leaves and grasses I found in the forest outside. I make a small little bed out of the foliage and lay Vivi gently on it. It's not much better, but she has at least a little cushioning now. Now I need to make six more beds.

I am only on my third bed when I hear Ryan jump to his feet. He startled me out of my daze. I turn without standing up. "What's wrong?"

He looks out of the cave skittishly and exclaims, "I'll be right back!" He darts out of the cave. I jump to my feet and chase after him. He can't go out on his own. I don't really want to leave Vivi, but Tyler is there, so I'm sure she will be fine.

Once out of the cave, I realize how dark it is out here. Finding Ryan will be almost impossible. Im about to shout out his name when Wyatt bumps in to me.

"Oh, it's you. You scared me." I gasp. He looks up, anger and confusion on his face.

"What are you doing out here. I thought you were keeping the younger kids safe." He asks suspiciously.

"Well, Ryan ran out of the cave." I mumble, averting my eyes.

"What! What about Dove and Vivi?"

I totally forgot about Dove... "Ryan must have ran after Dove then..."

He looks at me with despair. Things were already beginning to fall apart. "I will go and get Tyler and Vivi, and we will go out and search for them. Whatever was dropped from that plane is most likely dangerous. Nobody should be out here alone." He looks at me worriedly, obviously afraid that I can't handle myself. I extend my hand and allow a small bright light shine from my palm.

"I'll be fine. We will meet back at the cave once we find them. if you can't find them after an hour, just return to the cave."

That's when we hear the scream from above us. Wyatt nods to me, and races back to the cave.

I look up to the sky, and can't seem to find where the screaming originated from. I shine my light as bright as possible. I slowly scan across the open sky, until I find a small figure, levitating in place about twenty meters above my head.

"Ryan, is that you?' I shout out. It would be ludicrous, but I have to be sure. The figure slowly descends, and it's features slowly become clearer in my light.

"Kiara?" The figure shouts out. It must be Ryan.

"What the hell are you doing up there!? You can fly!?" I exclaim. He slowly descends toward me.

"I guess so. Dove grabbed my arm, and the next thing I remember, I was high above the ground. She was gone before I realized what had happened." He shrugs, as he helplessly glides to the height of the trees.

"So you have no idea where she is?" As soon as I say it, I feel a presence behind me.

"You are my eyes." Doves voice echoes in my head. I turn and see Dove staring at me, her eyes blank, but her mouth painted with a chilling smirk. "You will help us to see."

Her eyes go white, and her face relaxes. She looks like she is asleep. She slowly lifts off of the ground. Without any movement, she emits thoughts which awe me, making me still in amazement. I can't move my body or quell her control of me. "Dove is the symbol. Ryan is the wings. Kiara is the eyes. Wyatt is the brain. Kali is the beak. Tyler is the talons. Vivi is the heart! We are one! WE are Dove!" The dirt and leaves begin to raise around her. Every object around her slowly starts to glide toward her, like she has her own gravitational pull.

Who is she? WHAT is she?

Suddenly everything is blasted back, including Ryan and I. Dove crumples to the ground, lifeless. Ryan flies into a tree, unconscious. I feel rocks and twigs scratch and bruise me as Dove's blast rockets them toward me.

After lying on the ground motionless for what feels like a long time, I hear a howl in the distance, and dark eyes gleam around me. I pull myself up, barely able to stand, and shine my light into the forest. I see dozens of wolves gathered around us, and all at once they enter into the opening.

Island Seven (Book 1: DOVE Series)Where stories live. Discover now