CaLl OuT mY nAmE

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''I don't think I can continue anymore. The fact that I am missing him, doesn't change the cruel reality that I am living right now''


''I miss my soulmate. I miss him so much...''.

March 7th

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March 7th


The handsome red haired didn't want to wake up. His definition of waking up was different from other humans' though. He didn't sleep, he was just resting, trying to minimize his worries and somehow find calmness and tranquility.


Instead of going forward, leaving the predicament he was in behind him, he was jumping in the side effects deeper and deeper.  He was forgetting things more frequently, yet the seizures and the exhaustion seemed to become scarce.

Opening his eyes, he tried to adjust to the welcoming light of the sun. Letting the blanket that was softly hugging his form fall, a cold breeze brought shivers down his spine. He opened his eyes widely realizing that his clothes were scattered around the floor and that the beautiful boy that was sleeping next to him, was naked as well.

Trying to stand up gently, he felt an abrupt pain that made his legs wobble. He was fully aware that he had sex yesterday, he just couldn't feel a thing. He couldn't function like the other people. Despite the subtle pain, he felt numb. He had no emotions. He knew that the man who was sitting next to him must have been his lover. He knew that he must have been living with this man for a while, considering the fact that he saw his name on the fridge made with small magnets.

Neglecting the pain, he stood up and opened the cupboards. He saw his phone, some of his clothes...Was this his house? He couldn't put his finger on it.

A bottle with pills was challenging him , waiting for him on the table. He looked himself on the mirror, his neck decorated with small, purple blemishes. And then it hit him.

The man next to him was his lover. The love of his life. The tender kisses, the gentle touches and the soft words of last night began to play like a broken deck in his tired mind. He felt so ashamed of forgetting this night out of all nights. He smiled when he saw the brunet snoring slowly, his skin shinning when the assymetric sunrays reached his back.

He kissed the beautiful boy's  forehead because he was certain that this man was the one. The one who made him open up, the one who helped him live again. His desires were staying suffocated for more than four months, a fear that he is going to be betrayed again holding him hostage inside his own body. His home was right next to him. He was next to him...

Wanting to wake him up softly he decided to whisper to the boy's ear.

Yet his voice was silent, like he couldn't find the right word. 

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