LiTtLe GuArDiAn AnGeL

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''Stop sheding tears Jimin. You haven't lost him''.



You have no idea how fast my heart was beating when our hands accidentally touched. How my lips were anticipating every single one of your kisses. How our touches made each other feel complete. Whole. Strong. Peaceful...


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''Taehyung, all I wanted was to make you feel happy. I wanted my efforts to be fruitful, I wanted to prove to you that you aren't going to be exploited anymore'' Jimin sadly mumbled, his head laying on Taehyung's muscular thighs, the red haired's  slender fingers twirling between the man's playful brown locks.

''You have proved yourself to me, multiple times already.  You saved me when I thought my future was faltering, you bought me hot cocoa when I needed to warm my heart, you held my hand, a gesture that somehow reached the wounds of my broken heart, healing my ailment. You fixed me'' he softly spoke, still caressing the man's beautiful hair.

It may didn't seem like it, but the duo have come a long way. From pink cardigans to comfortable pyjamas, from red glitter rooms to tiny appartments. From meaningless sex to love...What a long ride.

''Isn't it impressive?'' Jimin asked all of the sudden.

''What ?''.

''You have been forgetting so many details all this time, but you haven't forgotten the ins and outs of the time we had together''.

And it was true. Taehyung didn't understand how Jimin knew that he kept on forgetting, yet he was thankful that the boy didn't ask him for it. 

 Taehyung cherished every single moment he spent with the boy, like an expensive diamond that couldn't be lost. Their first meeting inside Jimin's cab, the drive to his ''fake'' house. The brunet's visit to ''Lotus'' and their date in the cafe. Their first kiss, the time they exchanged gifts, the nights that Jimin stayed awake to keep him company. Tolstoy, Jack Skellington...  It didn't feel like a memory. Because memories can be forgotten, yet Taehyung had no intention of forgetting these moments neither sooner nor later.

''I would never allow myself to do that'' he whispered.

''Listen to me. I know you badly want to ask me what happened in that room but it's not the time. The only thing that I want you to know is that you don't have to be afraid anymore. All your personal information is here now. Your professional file and your internet code.  I don't care if you sold your body  and you were getting paid for it. This wasn't something you wanted, it was something that had to be done. Your last resort. And I honestly admire your strength and your dedication. But despite all these shit, I love you Kim Taehyung. I fucking love you and I don't know if I can stop this emotion from ruining both of us'' Jimin confessed and stood up.

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