LoNeLy...NoT aNyMoRe

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I still want you Tae. It's not true that you can't love others if you don't love yourself. I put all the love I had into you and I am left with none to keep...My mind wanders and I get lost in thoughts of you...

[mild triggering content]

[mild triggering content]

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''I am awake...'' Jimin mumbled, his eyes still shut. He spread his hand to the other side of the bed, only to find it empty.

''Taehyung...Oh my God, Taehyung...''  he yelled and jumped from the bed, only to see the red-haired observing him with a huge grin.

''Why are you looking at me like that ?'' he asked and tried to fix his hair with his hands.

''Three things. First, I bought us breakfast. You are such a heavy sleeper. I left the appartment and returned and you barely even flinched. Second thing, happy December, we have Christmas in twenty four days. And third, you are looking so freaking cute right now'' Taehyung said and placed the hot coffee on the table.

''From all the things you said I only heard the words breakfast, Christmas and cute'' Jimin said trying to keep his eyes open.

''From all the things you said I only heard the words breakfast, Christmas and cute'' Jimin said trying to keep his eyes open

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''Drink your coffee sleepyhead. I have some questions to ask you''.


''Taehyung!'' Jimin screamed from the kitchen.

''Yeah, I am here'' Taehyung came from inside the bathroom, holding his toothbrush.

''What are those little papers?'' Jimin asked and started unsticking the little notes from the cupboards.

''Don't'' Taehyung screamed and pushed Jimin.

''Why did you do that for?''.

''Those papers...don't you see that they have something written on them?''.

''They are literally writing nonsense. It's like I don't know where I am keeping my sugar or my salt''.

''But I don't. I-I am still learning where you keep things, so I decided to help myself out. Do you mind having these papers for a while? After I learn where everything is placed I will throw them away, I promise''.

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