CuDdLe YoU cLoSe

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And I was in pain seeing you hurt. But I was the one that actually physically hurt you. And I will never forgive myself for breaking your heart into pieces. Forgive me, I didn't mean to do that...I love you so much...

I love you so much

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Taehyung opened his eyes when he heard Jimin's annoying alarm clock. He lazily rubbed his eyes when realization hit him. 

He slept.

 He had actually slept. For four hours Taehyung slept peacefully. But he had forgotten to take his pill. If he didn't take his pill, how the hell did he manage to sleep? He remembers himself shifting positions, trying not to wake up the figure that was sleeping next to him. Wait...

Taehyung tured his head and observed Jimin sleeping calmly next to him. He must have been too tired due to yesterday's events. He didn't ever hear the alarm clock. Taehyung tried to shift himself from the small, convenient matress, ineffectively. It was like his legs were tied. He lifted the covers, only to realise that Jimin's long legs were tangled with his own under the blanket. Taehyung started laughing silently when he observed the sleeping figure next to him, searching for the covers with his eyes closed.

Taehyung placed the covers on Jimin and after untagling their legs he lifted himself from the bed. He opened his phone and saw that he missed about twenty five calls from Hoseok and twenty from Jungkook. He sent a message to both of them, just to inform them that he was doing alright. Afterwards he went to have a long shower. He removed his clothes and let the cold water come in contact with his tanned skin. He hissed from the pain, but after a little while he got used to it. He was so happy that he slept without his estazolams, but he couldn't figure out how that was possible. The last time he slept without the pills' help was ages ago. He should probably visit dr. Kim and inform him about the situation.

After drying his red hair and wearing a white sweater and a pair of black sweatpants, he went to the kitchen. He wanted to thank Jimin for everything, but he didn't know how. 

''A coffee would be nice'' a raspy voice said from behind Taehyung, as if someone had heard his thoughts.

Taehyung chuckled after hearing Jimin's morning voice, but his eyes instantly opened widely when he felt a pair of hands engulfing his waist in a soft hug.

''Does a clingy person like you enjoy this?'' Jimin asked and placed his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

''Do you always wake up like this ?''.

''No, I don't have anyone to hug everyday'' Jimin said, his raspy voice fading slowly.

''I love back-hugs, but as you can see, I am trying to make your coffee here''.

''You aren't trying, you are failing. You don't even know where I keep the sugar''.

''I wasn't going to put sugar'' Taehyung cracked a smile.

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