HeLlO sTrAnGeR

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I know I was the one who didn't trust you in the first place but I was the one who approached you. The one that helped you treat your ailment. The one who loved you ...

[this chapter is dedicated to one of my favourite authors:  @FuyuRain ]

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[this chapter is dedicated to one of my favourite authors:  @FuyuRain ]

''Sorry for disturbing you...V''.

The red-haired boy stood from his chair  dumbfounded and clutched the towel he was wearing with his strong hands. He gulped seeing the boy in front of him, having his hands deep in his pockets, observing him thoroughly.

''I, I...what are you doing here?'' Taehyung asked the brunet.

''I don't know, what people are doing in these places?'' Jimin clearly annoyed replied.

''It's not what it looks like...'' Taehyung tried to explain and raised his hand to touch Jimin's shoulder.

''You don't have to explain me anything. You are nothing to me and I am nothing to you. Simple as that. I only came here to return this and this...'' Jimin spoke calmly and placed on the table the silver necklace and the extra money Taehyung gave him yesterday.

''You must have accidentally dropped it. I doubt that it has any value to you, considering how rich you are but I had to return it. Same goes for the money. Goodbye'' he said and turned to leave.

''Wait, please'' Taehyung run and blocked the door.


''My name is Taehyung. Please call me like that'' the boy silently spoke.

''Okay, Taehyung can you let me leave? I think that you have some clients waiting for you'' Jimin spoke with a raspy voice and tried to push the boy out of his way.

''Take me with you. Don't leave me he-here. I-I  cannot stay here ...I can't anymore'' Taehyung claimed. His brown eyes were becoming teary and his voice cracked.

''I can't. I have a job and so do you. Why did you come here in the first place? Why are you letting people exploit you for their own sexual needs? What do you gain from that, apart from money? It just provides you with some minutes of pleasure. Not love, no emotions, nothing. Do you know how they are describing you? As their special fucktoy! Is this what you want to be Taehyung?'' Jimin spoke with a harsh tone.

''Take me with you, just for today. I don't want to stay here. They will do bad things to me. I am not lying to you. Please sir...''.

''I am not telling you my name, I don't trust you. Let me leave Taehyung''.

''Please...have you ever been in a situation that you wish you could escape but something held you captive?''.

Jimin stood in front of the boy and observed him. His beautifully dishevelled hair, his brown eyes that seemed too common yet too extraordinary, his well built body, which despite the savageness and the hardships it has experienced, looked fetching.

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