Chapter 18

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We watch "Paper Towns" on his couch until it's time for me to go. Through all this drama I almost forgot about Brinley and my mom. An earlier text from her told me they're at the hospital until further notice, but I have a feeling they won't be coming home anytime soon. 

"Well, I think i should go now. I need to go check on things at home." I say before standing up from his couch. 

"Do you have to?" Sarcastically sticking out his lower lip.

"Yeah, it's already seven o'clock."

"You're right. How is Brinley doing by the way?" His question tugs at my heart. 

"Um...good." I look down at the floor to hide my lie. 

"Cody, tell me."

"She got readmitted yesterday and they don't know what's going to happen. My mom keeps saying she'll be okay, but I know she's lying." Tears form behind my eyes for the millionth time this week. 

"'s okay. Do you want me to take you there?" 

I don't want to say yes, but I can't go alone, "Could you?"

"Yeah. My parents are on a business vacation for a few days, so I don't need to be anywhere."

"Speaking of your parents, you don't bring them up much or at all."

"We're not very close and they're always away. I only see them once a week, but that's all I need."

"Well, I'd like to meet them."

He looks away from me and grabs his keys off the hook, "Yeah maybe." 

I let the subject slide and follow him out the door without a word.


I see my mom's car in the parking lot when we get there, there's snow around the wheels showing she hasn't left in a while. When Brinley is in really bad condition my mom goes days without seeing the outside, I tell her it's not healthy but she won't leave. 

I remember what room she's in from last time, so we check in at the front desk and find our way there easily.

"Knock Knock." I shove the door open and see them laying in Brinley's bed watching 'Yo Gabba Gabba.' 

"Cody!!" Brinley yells as loud as she can without coughing. 

"Hey Brin! I've missed you!" I lean over and wrap her in a gentle hug.  

I turn around and see Gage standing in the doorway, "Come in."

He smiles and walks over to stand next to me, "Hi Brinley! Hello Wendy."

"Gage how nice to see you again! I was wondering when we were going to see you again." Pipes my mom.

"Uh...yeah. I've been busy." He mumbles. 

"Mom can I talk to you outside?" I interject.

"Yes." She stands up and follows me out into the hall. 

"How is she doing?"

"I wish I could say better, but it's gotten worse. They gave her more treatment to try and boost her immune system, but it made her very nauseous and tired."

"Is she on any meds?"

"No, I told them to take her off of them all because it was just too much on her little body."

"Mom..." I reach out and rest my hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, she'll pull through. She'll pull through."

I nod, I don't know how long she'll keep lying to herself before she faces reality. I know it helps calm her, but it's going to hurt her more in the end.

"Why don't we go back in the room?" She asks looking concerned.

I glance in the room and see Gage playing Barbies with Brinley, "I'm going to run to the vending machine quick."

"Alright sweetie." She touches my cheek before disappearing into the room.

I saw a vending machine a floor down, shouldn't take me too long. I just need space to think. I'm beginning to regret bringing Gage into my family life. Not because I don't love or trust him, but I'm scared either him or family will get attached then when things go South it'll make it harder. Brinley is lucky to have survived this long and if something happens to her, I don't want Gage to be affected. I know it sounds bad that I'm planning for the worst, but I've learned to do that. Maybe I'm like my mom in a sense. I convince myself everything will go bad and plan for the worst, while my mom convinces herself the worst is going to be okay. I'd rather be ready than hurt. 

I find a vending machine and buy a water to soothe my stomach. I decide I better get the other three one to. Once they're bought I find my way back to the room where everyone's now playing Barbie's. 

"Cody, here's yours." Brinley hands be a brunette patient Barbie.

We used to play hospital with the dolls all the time growing up. I was the patient, Brinley was the nurse, Mom was the parent, and Dad was the doctor. I look over to Gage and see him holding the doctor, nobody's touched that Barbie in years and it feels good to see it again. We play Barbie's for a while then resort to watching tv again once Brinley gets tired.

I glance at the clock that reads 9:30pm, "We should get going."

Gage grabs my hand, "Probably."

"Thanks for coming you guys," My mom says pulling us into a hug.

I kiss Brinley on top of her sleeping head then walk towards the door way, "Bye mom."

She gives me small smile and I silently hope she's right about Brinley not for me, but for her. 

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