Chapter 8

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I wake up at 8am to the sound of my alarm reminding me of my date. I smile before climbing out of bed and over to my closet. I pull out my white mini skirt and a tight cropped, gray long sleeve. Once I'm changed I sit down at my vanity and try to decide what make I should do. I settle on a classic brown and gold eyeshadow look with mascara.

After about fifteen minutes my makeups done and it's time for my hair. I stand in front of the bathroom mirror and loosely curl my long, brown hair. Then, I brush my teeth and as I'm putting my toothbrush away I hear his car pull up. I run down stairs and put on my black Timberland boots. As I finish tying them I hear the doorbell ring, when I open it Gage is standing there holding flowers. He's dressed in khakis, a black sweater, and white Converse. He looks amazing.

"Wow, Cody." He whispers, looking me up and down.

My cheeks heat up and I smile at him, "You're the one that looks wow."  

He rolls his eyes with a laugh and reaches forward to hand me my flowers, "You got me flowers?" I smile before going back into the house to find a vase.

I hear his footsteps following behind me as I dig through a box of decor on the kitchen table, "Of course I did, it's a date. Might as well do it right."

"You didn't have to, but thank you." Finally I pull out a white vase and fill it with water before setting the flowers inside of it. 

"There, they're beautiful. Are you ready?" I ask as he grabs my hand. 

"Yes, let's go." I grab my black jacket and follow him out the door to his Jeep parked in the driveway. 

As we walk I pull out my phone and shoot my mom a text to tell her I'm going out. Gage opens my door for me again and I still am as surprised as the first time he did. I buckle up once inside and wait for him to start the car. We pull out of my driveway and drive down the road we were on last night, it looks so different during the day. 

"So, where are going?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He answers with a smirk.

"Come on, give me a hint." 

He smiles at me before reaching in the back seat and handing me a bundle of cloth. When I unroll it in my hands is a white winter hat and gloves. 

I look over at him with a confused face, "You'll see." He says with a wink and keeps on driving. 

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