Chapter 12

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Gage is driving with his hand on my thigh as I struggle with picking a CD.

"Do you want to go do something or go home and watch a movie?" He asks.

"Did you have something planned?" I ask as I pop open a Khalid CD case.

"Well, if you're tired we can always reschedule and just relax."

"Are you sure?"

Yes. I just want to be with you."

I smile at him before sliding the CD into the player, 'Another Sad Love Song' fills the car while I watch the bare trees fly by.


When we pull into my driveway I'm suddenly nervous to have him over alone. I've never dated anyone before, not that we're necessarily dating. Maybe we are. Ice-skating went good, but it's easy to have fun when you're out doing something. A boy's never crossed my door way let alone me having to entertain him. He said he just wants to watch a movie, but I don't want to bore him. I decide to just push my thoughts to the back of my head and just get out of the car. I unlock the door and remove my wet boots. 

"Do you want some snacks?" I don't know why I asked, I don't even know if we have snacks.

"Sure. You pick." 

Great. I pretend as though I know where i'm going and open the pantry door. Nothing. I then open the fridge, nothing except leftovers. I turn around and see Gage is looking at the yard out the window, so I pull out my phone and Post Mate some pizza. 

"Why don't we start the movie then get the food settled?" I ask as I walk over to the couch.

"Good plan. What's your favorite movie?" 

"Hmm, probably 'The Hunger Games.' What's yours?"


"Seriously?" I'm in shock. I've never watched a horror movie in my life. I am deathly terrified of anything like that.

"Do you not like horror movies?"

"I've never seen one, but I already know I hate them."

"Oh come on, can't knock it till you try it. Lets watch it."

My stomach churns at the thought, but I don't want to upset him. I stare at him with wide eyes as I weigh my options. "Fine." 

"Really? Yes!" He gets so excited I think he might jump up and down. He's so cute.

"I am going to grab some blankets to hide under when it gets scary."

"You'll be fine, but if you insist."

"I do." I smirk and pull two blankets out of the closet.

I take a seat next to him and offer him a blanket, but he declines and instead puts mine over both of us. Such a small gesture, but it makes me smile. I pull up Amazon and rent the movie, it takes all of me not to close out and rent a different movie. Gage keeps laughing at the faces I'm making as I read the description, but I can't help it. I'm so nervous. Right as I push the play button the door bell rings, I assume it's the pizza man. 

I open the door and pay for the pizza, then bring it back to the living room and set it on the coffee table. Before I sit back down I close the curtains and shut off the light, so it's pitch black except the tv light.

"When did you order pizza?"

"When we were in the kitchen, we haven't grocery shopped yet."

"I'm glad you did." He says, taking a big bite.

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