Chapter 6

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I jolt awake to the sound of my mom walking through the front door. My body aches as I pull my self off the floor and I squint my eyes that are sore from the tears that filled them. I see my mom come around the corner with a black bag in her hand, her hospital bag. She takes fills it every time she has to stay there, usually over packing incase they stay longer.

"Hey Cody-bear." My mom whispers before walking over and wrapping her arms around me, "Will you pack Brinley's overnight bag?"

I nod and slide out of her embrace, then grab the purple bag she set on the couch. When I get tp Brinley's room I start filling the bag with her necessities; clothes, tooth brush, and her favorite Barbie. I look at the Barbie in my hands and remember when she got it. A few days after her diagnosis my dad came home from work one day with a small gift bag in his hands, I watched him walk over to play Brinley on the couch and hand it to her. She pulled the Barbie out of the bag and her cheeks filled with color for the first time in a while. My dad explained to her that the Barbie is wearing nurse clothes because she's going to help Brinley whenever she feels sick. Ever since Brinley carries it around with her everywhere and can't make it through the night with out it. I put the Barbie in the bag along with everything else and walk back out to wear my mom sits on the couch holding her bag.

"Here." I whisper, setting the bag next to her.

She gives me a small smile before saying goodbye and disappearing out the door. As I watch her SUV go down the driveway I remember the foot ball game. Crap. How will I make it there with my mom being gone? I can drive obviously, but we couldn't afford my car and Brinley's treatment  so we had to sell it. I decide just to Uber. 

My body is filled with nerves as I pour a coffee, then go upstairs to get ready. What if I cannot find him there? I'll be in a crowd with hundreds of strangers and watching a team I don't know. My curiosity over powers my nerves and convinces me I need to go. I look up the school and see their colors are blue and red, easy enough. I put on a pair of white American Eagle jeans and a blue sweatshirt, then tie my hair in a ponytail with a red scrunchie. I walk over to my vanity and apply some mascara to distract from the bags under my eyes. After I decide I look decent enough I go brush my teeth to rid of the coffee breath and then sit on my beanbag in my room. I flick through Netflix, finally settling on 'Gossip Girl.' 

I watch a few episodes and realize its 6:30pm and the game is at 7:00pm. I rush downstairs and call the Uber as I put on my red Converse. After ten minutes a silver BMW pulls up my driveway, so I look up the house behind me and get in the car. We drive in silence as I take in the town out the window. It's a short drive, so before I knew it I seen flashing stadium lights in the distance and know we're here.

I tip the driver, then slowly make my way out to the bleachers.

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