Chapter 4

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I wake up feeling energized and ready to move. At home I'd always go for a morning run, but I've been nervous and too busy to go on one here. I decided no more waiting, so once my eyes focus I stand up and head over to my closet. I quickly change into spandex and a sports bra, then put my hair in two braids. When I get downstairs the whole house is quiet, which means everyone is still sleeping. I grab a water and my AirPods off the counter, then go to the entry and get my running shoes on. Once I tie my shoes, I walk out the door and start jogging down the street. Music fills my ears as I follow the GPS to a nearby coffee shop. I have to admit, our street is beautiful.

After about two miles I see a large coffee cup sign hanging in the distance. Once I reach the front door I stop my GPS and put my headphones away, then walk inside. It's a dark, modern shop with a short girl with fire engine hair behind the counter. I slowly walk towards her and shoot her a smile that isn't returned.

"Hello. What can I get started for you?" Asks the girl without looking up.

"Can I get an Iced Coconut Vanilla Latte?"

I finish paying the girl and grab my drink off the ledge, then turn around to find a seat. As I scan the room for a seat my eyes lock with a pair of shocking blue eyes. My heart races as I realize I'm staring, then shuffle over to seat in the back. Once seated I put my headphones in and start listening to a new podcast. Suddenly my table bumps and I look up to see a pair of blue eyes sitting across from me. This time I look at the body the eyes belong to; it's a boy with curly brown hair, defined face, and perfect blue eyes.

"Hello?" I mumble when I realize I'm still staring.


"Are you on a run?" I ask as my eyes travel to see him wearing a tight muscle shirt and jersey shorts.

"Yes, and you?"


"Why haven't I seen you before?" The mystery boys asks, tilting his head in confusion.

"I just moved here two days ago."

"Ahh I see, where are you from?"

"Tacoma, Washington."

"Wow, that's pretty far from here."

"Very far, it was terrible."

"Can I join you on your run?" He asks as I stand up and throw my drink away.

I turn around to see him standing directly behind me, "I don't even know you're name."

He lets out a little laugh, "I''m Gage."

"I'm Cody."

Gage smiles and follows me out the door, "Does this mean I can come with you?"

"I think that'd be okay."

I'm rewarded with a gorgeous smile as we start jogging, "What are your plans tomorrow, Cody?"

"Probably just sitting at home, I don't really have anything to do in a town I don't know."

"You should come to the football game."

I look away from him back at the road, determining what I should do.

"Come on, it'd fun. You won't regret it."

"Okay, I'll be there."

"Perfect, it's at the school just down from the coffee shop."

We make small conversation until we finally reach my house at the end of the road, "This is me."

"Wow, I didn't even know this house was back here. It's amazing."

"It's not too shabby."

"Goodbye, Cody." Gage says before jogging back down the road out until he's out of view.

"Goodbye Gage." I whisper before turning around and disappearing into my house.

When I walk in the door I see a note on the wall: "Hey baby, I figured you're on a run. I had to take Brinley to her appointment at her new treatment center. Be home tonight. Love you."

I fold the note in half and set it on the kitchen counter. I decide I should shower once I realize how sweaty I am. Once the water is heated up I step inside and let the hot water pot over me. I can't stop thinking of Gage. Who is he? Why did he want to know me? And would I see him again? After drowning in my thoughts for a long time, I shut the water off and step out into the cold bathroom. I put on sweatpants and a crew neck, then head downstairs to make some dinner.

After eating some ravioli, I take my seat in the window and stare out at the bare trees surrounded by thousands of colored leaves at their feet.

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