Chapter 3

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I must've slept through the whole night, when I open my eyes the sun is rising and birds are resting in a nearby tree. I hear a loud thud from downstairs, so I follow the sound only to find the movers arrived early with the rest of our things. I look at the ottoman laying upside on the floor next to a chubby man and guess he dropped it causing the loud noise. I chuckle to myself then make my way to the kitchen. I'm overjoyed to find a fresh pot of coffee sitting under the Keurig, I grab a mug out of our box of cups laying on the floor and pour me some. The coffee warms me and brings me a sense of home. I walk back into the living room and sit on the window seat to finish my coffee. I've always secretly wanted a window nook to sit on in the morning while I read, but I didn't want to admit I liked something about this house. Now I'm stuck here, so I must as while embrace it.

"Cody, Cody!" Brinley yells are she waddles over to me.

"Yes, Brin?"

"Come see my new room!"

I follow to a hallway underneath the stairs that leads to a single pink door. When she opens the door it revels a pink room with bee decorations all over the walls, a bed with a yellow comforter, and a giant Barbie Dream house.

"Wow Brinley, your room is so cool!" I say with as much enthusiasm as possible.

"I know, I know." She squeals before getting distracted by her Barbie doll on the floor.

I sneak out while she's playing and head back to my seat, once my coffee is gone I decide I should probably take today to unpack and get situated. I set my mug in the sink and haul all my boxes upstairs. 

I spent so much time unpacking and putting my clothes in my dresser that by the time I'm done it's time for dinner. I run downstairs as my mom is shouting my name.

"I'm here, I'm here." I shout before she yells again.

One the table is a pot roast, carrots, and a salad. I haven't seen my mom cook since before the incident and the proud look on her face shows how much this move has done for her. Maybe I'll finally get the old mom back. I take my seat at the table and dish out the food to everyone. Once we all finish eating, we're all practically falling asleep.

"Goodnight guys." I yell before disappearing up the stairs to my room.

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