Chapter 10

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I look over at Gage with a huge smile, "Ice skating?"

"If you want to, we don't have to if you don't." He mumbles, rubbing his neck nervously.

Without even a second thought I lean forward and kiss him, cupping his cheeks in my hands. 

"I'll take that as a yes." He answers with a warm smile.

"Of course I do, but you're going to have to teach me."

"You've never been iceskating?"

"No, we didn't do things like that where I'm from. We went to aquariums, museums, and did things like that." 

"Well, I'm going to have to teach you all about Minnesota winter activities, because we do winter like none other."

"I think I'm going to like it here."

I grab his hand and walk over to the ticket booth by the entrance gate.

"Hello Gage, how are you this morning?" Asks the older lady behind the window.

"I'm doing fine Carol, two skates please." 

"What size for the girl?" 

"Sevens please." I answer, hoping skates run the same as shoes.

The lady disappears under the window and pops back up with two pairs of skates, "Have fun you two."

Gage gives her a polite nod before grabbing the skates and walks over to a bench. I sit next to him on the bench and watch as he quickly laces them on. I stare at my skate confused then try to do the same as him. 

I hear him chuckle at me when I can't figure out the laces, "Here." He gets on the bench as kneels in front of me and ties the skates for me.

"Thank you." My cheeks heat with embarrassment.

"Are you ready for this?" He asks, reaching out a hand to help me up.

"I think so?"

I shuffle behind him and grab the railing while stepping onto the ice. I'm not on the ice for all of two second before my foot slips from under me and I'm on my back. Gage's face fills with concern as he reaches down and pulls me back up, this time keeping a firm hold on me.

"I'm sorry, I should have held on better."

"It's okay, it was bound to happen sooner or later." I giggle as I wipe the snow off my skirt. 

I keep my arms wrapped through his and put all my weight on him as we continue skating. We start picking up the pace as I get the hang of it, but I know I would fall if he let go. 

"There, you got this." He says with a smile.


We skate for a while longer until my toes are too cold to continue. Once our skates are off and replaced with our own shoes I walk them up and return them. I try to find my way back to Gage who is now sitting the warming house. When I walk in he's sitting at a table in the back talking to girl with short, curled blonde hair. I weave my way through the crowd and finally reach him. They're laughing at something she said, but I couldn't hear it over the noise.

"Cody!" He smiles when he notices me standing near, "Amber this Cody. Cody this is Amber."

"Nice to meet you." Amber answers in a sing-song voice.

"You too."

"Cody just moved here a few days ago and I thought I show her the true Minnesotan way." 

"Ice skating is not easy, but a required trait here. I love it." 

"It was fun once I stopped falling." I joke.

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