Chapter 1

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It's a cold October morning, I wake up to a cold breeze coming through my window making my cheeks rosy. I sit up and look at my room full of boxes. One week ago my mom broke the news to me that we're moving from Tacoma, Washington to Minneapolis, Minnesota. The last thing I needed was to move across the country, but it's what my mom needs for her. I slide out bed and make my way downstairs. The closer I get, the louder the cry of a toddler gets. When I enter the kitchen I see my little sister, red in the face, screaming with tears down her face. Rolling my eyes, I walk past her to the pantry.

"Seriously, Cody?" Yells my mother as she walks into the kitchen and scoops up my sister, "You just walk past her? Ever think to help out around here?"

"Brinley is always crying, if you pick her up every time she's never going to stop!"

Brinley is my two year old sister who is also sick with Leukemia. She has treatments frequently, mood changes, and some disabilities. We don't always get along, but what siblings do?

"Cody, honey I told you she's a toddler. That's what she does."

I moan and roll my eyes, "So I've heard. Can I grab a Pop Tart now?"

"Yes. Are you done packing?"

"Yeah, I just need to pack the things I used last night."

"Okay, the movers will be here in a few hours."

I nod slowly as I unwrap my Pop Tart.

"Cody, please keep a good attitude about this all today. I can't deal with that right now."

"I will." I give her a half smile and take the rest of my breakfast upstairs.

Once I finish it, I grab my clothes I laid out a few days ago for today and walk to the bathroom to shower. I slept terribly last night, but the hot water helps my sore muscles. When I'm done, I step out and put my robe on. As I blow dry my hair my nerves take over me. I start thinking about all the new routines I'll have; friends, school, and everything. The house has already been decorated and filled with our belongings we didn't need with us here. My mother drove there a little bit ago to drop off our car and get the house all put together, so at least I won't have to worry about not having a room to sleep in. I can't help but start imagining a life there in my head, it calms my anxiety. My hair is done drying, so I comb it up into a bun and brush my teeth. I put on a pair of black leggings and an old sweatshirt I bought in Seattle, then walk back to my room.

I spend twenty minutes packing the rest of my things into a small bag, then carry it downstairs.


"In here!" My mom's voice carries from her bed room.

"I finished packing, where should I bring my last bag?"

"Set it in the entry and the movers will pack it."

I walk into the entry and manage to find a space on top of the hundreds of boxes for my bag. I glance out the window and see the moving trucks pull into our driveway.

"Mom, they're here!"

"Perfect, thank you!"

My mom comes walking down the stairs in tight jeans and a sweater with her hair curled, clearly overdressing for a day of travel. I sit on the bench in the entry and watch all of our things be carried out of my childhood home, leaving it empty and sad. I look at the stairs that my parents carried my baby sister up the first time I seen her, at the front door where my dad would hug me goodbye everyday before work, and the bench where I cried for hours on with my mom when my dad left us. Now looking at this house so empty, it looks as broken as the people who lived in it were.

"You ready baby?" My moms asks me with tears in her eyes and Brinley in her arms.

I nod and stand next to her, looking at the house where we all grew up and fell apart.

"Can I have a minute?" I ask her as I feel tears build behind my eyes.

"Of course, come out when you're ready."

As I watch the front door shut behind her, I hunch over and cry into my lap. After a few minutes I gather myself enough to stand and wave goodbye to my old life. The one I would give anything to have back, but it's gone. I turn the knob on the door and walk out, shutting the door behind me for the last time. I get in our rental car and watch all the movers pull out of our driveway. We're flying to Minnesota and the movers will get to our new house later tomorrow that way we don't have to drive. My mom finishes buckling Brinley and gets in the driver seat. We all look out the window at the house one more time, but only for second until we're driving away from it for good. I reach into my car bag between my feet and grab my AirPods, I slip them into my ears and let the music drown out my thoughts.


I wake up to my mom shaking my shoulder, "Cody-bear we're at the airport."

I slowly shift up out my seat and stretch out my muscles that are now sore again. Putting my car bag on my back, I unbuckle Brinley and carry her inside while my mom returns the rental. After a few minutes my mom joins us inside and we head towards our gate. Me and mom move like robots during security and bag check, with circles under our eyes and rotating carrying Brinley between each other so she don't cry. When we get to our gate they're already boarding, so we hop in line and board our plane. After a fifteen minute safety message the plane finally starts taking off, I rest my head on the window and watch the world become a bunch of squares.

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