10)Blessed with a curse

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It had been weeks.  Nothing interesting was happening at all. I was slowly getting back to myself, but deep down, my walls were still pretty high. The boys were acting normal around me again. I felt as if I was fooling them, acting like a big teamwork fan but I just knew... I had been through too much to be fooled by training. When shit hits the fan, it's each man for himself. They train you and teach you the best they can, but everything's simpler when the bullets flying are made of rubber. I was the only one in my team with field experience so I knew they were too innocent to understand. They were stuck with this unrealistic idea that training and war were the same thing. God, they were so wrong... And they were just about to find out.

-...You'll be given this weekend with your families and you'll be back Sunday night. Your flight is at 05:00.-The big boss told us, while we stood in his office. The boys were smiling like kids.-Enjoy the time given to you with your loved ones, God knows it might be your last chance. You're dismissed.-We left.

-FUCK YES!-Russel screamed as I closed the door.

-Finally!-Cooper laughed. I shock my head in disapproval.

-You have no idea what you're in for...-I whispered.

-That's the fun of it!-Vargas smiled and my heart skipped a beat. The thought of losing him was overwhelming.

-Go on. Get your shit and go!-I told them. I didn't want to be too harsh on them.-We're down for some long ass days... It's gonna feel like forever! So make sure in this 2 days you make strong memories, strong enough to carry you through the dark because, believe me... Some days will be pitch dark! And you'll want to give up, throw it all away. War will make you lust for death. So go on! Find your strength, your motivation, your faith! Find something to hold onto, you'll need it.-They nodded and left. 

Honestly, I wanted to tell them not to go. I wanted to tell them how it's Hell. I wanted to tell them how scared and hopeless it makes you feel. I wanted them to understand that there were 6 of us going but not all 6 of us were returning. I wanted to tell them that to some of them, it really was the last chance. I wanted them to know about the despair... I wanted to tell them to listen to their family. I wanted to tell them not to show up on Sunday... But I knew what it was like to be in their skin. I knew what it was like to be a rookie in the field. I knew how unbreakable they were feeling. Their egos were probably exploding through the ceiling, just like mine once was. No matter what I told them, they would never back down now. I had to leave it in God's hands and pray that just this time things would be different.

-You've been standing there for 10 minutes now, just looking to nowhere.-The boss said being me.

-Sorry, Major...-I scratched the back of my head and laughed.-I was just remembering my first time... I was as excited as them, if not more! Now that I know what we're really facing... I guess I'm not so happy

-Yeah, I know how it feels. You're starting to sound like one of the old guys!-He mocked me. I laughed.-That little speech you gave them... You gave them solid advice. You did good.

-Nah... I'd be doing good if I had begged them not to go.

-They have been training for this for so long... I don't think you'd achieve anything other than making yourself look like a pussy!

-You got a point... Hey...-I got kinda awkward.-So, I don't really have any family... I know this place you'd like... I was wondering if you'd like to come around and maybe shake the dust out of those bones? Maybe catch a beer or so later?

-What the hell... Count me in!-He slapped me in the back a little too hard.

Later, I took him to the gym to meet the boys. He fit right in. I still managed to see the old man kick some ass in the ring. He was pretty good... You know for his age.

-How about I get in there?-I asked him, from outside of the ring.

-I'll be damned! You wanna fight me on your last day here?!-He asked me, laughing.

-You're leaving?-Bruce asked, kinda sad. I felt as if everybody was staring at me.-When were you planning on telling us?

-I'll be back...-I smiled.-I've got bad blood. God's not interested and the Devil won't have me. I'm bound to return! 

-I'd say you're God's favorite.-Some guy in the back said. -Even blessed...

-Sure, man. Blessed with a fucking curse!-I took a deep breath.-Major! You gonna fight me or what?

-I'll fight you.-Bruce said. Now, this was a big deal! The whole gym stopped and stared. Bruce had never stepped on the ring. It has been said that he killed so many guys with his bare hands back in the war that he swore to never fight again. I looked him in the eyes.

-Really?-I smiled.-You think you can handle?

-I've seen you fight. I know your moves, your style... To know your opponent is a big advantage, Jones. Do you think you can handle?

-Strap me in.

All of a sudden, everybody was around the ring. This was not only completely out of the ordinary, it was an honor. Bruce was a really respected guy around. I felt as if I was defying the Alpha.

My eyes met his, as he stared at me from across the ring. I could swear his eyes had turned completely black, as if he had been possessed by some kind of demon. There was this sick silence in the air. The tension was breathable. I wore mouth protection this time. We walked towards each other and stopped in the middle of the ring. I raised my arms and put them right in front of him. He was supposed to touch my gloves with his and the fight would start but instead he hit me with the perfect right hook, landing right in my jaw. I was so dizzy I needed to grab the ropes for a while.

-That's dirty...-I told him.

-Never expect the same level of integrity from your opponent.-He answered me and pulled me back to the middle of the ring.

I was his punching bag for about 5 minutes. He was so fast, so agile, so quick on his hands and feet that I couldn't do anything but try and protect myself from his attacks. I felt like I was fighting an octopus. He hit me right in the ribs, hard.

-Fight me!-He screamed. I took a deep breath and tried to strike but as I moved my right hook, he kicked my leg, destabilizing me and making me fall. I was starting to get pissed off.

-Alright, grandpa...-I got up again.-You've had your 60 seconds of fame. My turn.

I felt my blood rushing, the adrenaline pumping. I couldn't even hear anything else anymore. All I could see was red. That's when the fight got interesting. I was able to land some hooks on him, and even an uppercut but he was a tough bone to chew. Eventually, after cornering me and kicking my ass nonstop for some time, he knocked me out with a perfect right hook.

I woke up about half an hour later and felt as if I had been run over by a truck.

-Shit...-I whispered and sat down, still pretty dizzy.

-Jones!-I heard Bruce but I couldn't quite see him yet. Everything was blurry.-Shit, man! I thought I had killed you!-He mocked me.

-I almost had you, Bruce!-I played along. He laughed.-You caught me with my guard down, but I almost had you!-The Major helped me up.

-You did good-He tapped my back.

-Yeah,-Bruce said.-For a girl!

-So did you. You know, for an old man!

We all laughed and spent the rest of the night drinking and telling funny stories and you know, just chilling. It was so good to finally get a break, to finally forget everything that was holding me back. It was so good to be surrounded by those who I knew understood me and had my back.

-You wanted a reason to come back, Jones?-Bruce asked.-Well now you got one. If you die, you'll die as the chick who lost to an old man!-Everyone laughed.

-I'll be back, Bruce... You better prepare yourself 'cause now I know my opponent as well.

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