How did Luffy survive!?

Start from the beginning

Dadan then came back in with a giant plate of meat and yelled out, "Shut it, you scumbags!"

Zoro slightly impressed at Dadan being able to take control so easily.

"It's time for dinner!" she added, pointing to all the food. At that, drool came down from the other bandits faces as they launched themselves at the meat. Devouring the meat like a pack of animals, Luffy raced over too, only to get stepped on.

"Holy crap, now we know where Luffy's shitty manners came from" said Sanji as he stared disgustingly at the way the bandits acted like.

"They're like a pack of rabid animals" said Usopp staring at the way the bandits ate.

Chopper turned slightly green at the way they ate the meat.

Nami shuddered at all the food that was thrown around.

Ace wasn't at all affected as he said "you fight for what you want" which caused his Pops and brothers to frown.

Zoro finished Ace's statement with, "and if you don't, you go hungry" this caused many to frown, especially Sanji.

Luffy, Ace and Dadan who were sitting around a fire in the center of the room. Ace was devouring some of the meat he stole earlier, while Dadan sipped some sake. Luffy frowned at the small bowl of rice in his hand. Luffy tilted the small bowl over his mouth as the rice fell off the bowl. He swallows all the rice in one gulp as he holds up his bowl to Dadan as he states "I want more! Pops, I want another bowl!"

Dadan screamed out, "I'm a woman!!"

Some snorted as Franky states "it's hard to tell"

"And you don't realize where you've been left!?"

Luffy cluelessly states "no"

"Then I'll tell you," Dadan said as a rather horrid grin appeared on her face. "This is the hideout of the mountain bandits who rule Mt. Corvo, the Dadan Family!" she said in a dark voice.

"She's scary" said Chopper slightly frightened at the woman's face and tone of voice.

"I believe that's the point" said Robin "she's trying to make him fear her"

Garp huffed knowing his grandson is too clueless to even understand the fact that he was suppose to be scared.

"bandits?" Luffy questioned until he frowned as a flash of the bandits he had trouble with appeared. With the image of the bandits in his mind he states,

"Mountain bandits are lame"

Shanks snorts for a moment,

Suddenly a knife is stabbed through the floor in front of where Luffy is sitting.

Some tensed at the sudden knife being stabbed through the floor nearly inches away from the kid.

Ace began to recall many times the bandits had threatened him like this before Luffy came. But of course knowing how he was, he probably didn't give a damn.

"Is she crazy!?" Usopp yelled for a moment as Chopper seemed to be shaking even more in fear. Some of the StrawHat's may have tensed but knew she wouldn't truly do anything malicious...

'Would she?' Some thought.

"Shut it, you damn brat!" she yelled at him. "It's already a pain in the ass raising you! If you don't want to be here, that's fine by us! Just go somewhere and die like an animal!"

Garp had a face that could get his grandson's screaming in terror, he knew it wasn't expected for a bandit to take care of his grandsons, but at least to have that empathy towards children. But he knew better.

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